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Response: The Missing Piece Meets the Big O

Essay Instructions:

First read topic: Instructions


Please view the

The Missing Piece Meets the Big


video. Although it is marketed as a children's book, it has a very adult message about one's search for love

and fulfillment.

Discussion Question




What do you believe i

s the message that Silverstein is trying to convey in this story?

How does






2. What is your personal reaction to “The Missing Piece Meets the Big O”? found:


THEN read my answer:

In the video "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" Silverstein explains that while people spend a great deal of their time and energy looking for a companion or requirements that would make their life complete, the truth is that there can be no companion or requirement to fulfill human life, rather one has to fulfill himself or herself. Silverstein goes a great deal in developing this thesis. She uses an animal-like creature, wedge-shaped that is lonely that is lonely hoping to find a big circle that it can fit itself with so that it can roll and reach somewhere. This is the way humans think that they are incomplete and needs to find someone or something in life to fit their life and go far together in life. However, whenever it came across a circle with the missing piece, it could not fit; too fat, too short, not the right shape and could not roll. In one occasion, it came across one with a missing piece similar to itself, and it was happy that they could fit into one another and roll to somewhere.

However, the missing piece began to grow and made the circle imbalanced and unable to roll anymore. In a relationship, one partner grows, and the other one remains static, and they can't get along anymore; one has to quit. The missing piece decides to quit and remain lonely until a complete circle came by and introduces itself by the Big O. The complete O was sorry that it didn't have a missing piece and the lonely piece could not fit anywhere into it. It told the missing piece that it could only roll by itself. The missing piece began to flop, and soon its edges wore off, and it became a complete circle that rolls by itself. The author establishes the thesis by demonstrating that self-refinement is the only way to grow and fulfill one's life. The missing piece could not find a fit, which means that if one feels that there is something missing in his or her lives, it is better to fix it and not to look for someone to fit in so that he or she may fix it.

My personal reaction to "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" is that surely it is worthless to be desperate with immature relationships whose main aim is to find a perfect fit for one's life. As the saying goes "there is time for everything," relationships also have got their prime time. One should concentrate on fixing their own life first until it is well refined and start looking for someone whom they can roll together to somewhere, but not to gaze at one another. When the missing piece had finally refined itself, it met the complete circle, which they roll together side by side. Antoine de Saint-Exupery defined love as not consisting of gazing at one another, rather involves looking outward together in the same direction. Gazing at one another occurs when one of the partners is not well refined and is looking upon the other to fix him or her but the other one does not have time and it will leave the unrefined lonely as the missing piece was left by the Big O. He or she would come back and roll together after it had refined itself. A relationship cannot be used as a solution to what is missing in our lives

Then read my classmates: I really enjoyed watching “The Missing Piece Meets Big O”. I think it has a very positive story that people of all ages can relate to. Growing up, I never really fit in with a lot of people. I would try to do the things they were doing or act a certain way just so I could feel or look as normal as the cool kids around me. It took my Aunt to tell me that I was special and wasn't born to be a follower. She explained to me that that was the reason I never “fit in” with people. When she told me that I possessed strong leadership qualities, I began to act as such. Those same kids that I wanted to roll with began to gravitate more towards me, and some of them still do. I say this because the message I received from watching that video says to be yourself. You may not always fit in with everyone else, and you don't necessarily have because everyone is their own unique person. Sometimes we get caught up in an image or an idea and along the way, we will lose ourselves and forget that we too are our own person. The part of the video that really stuck out with me the most is when the missing piece thought that it had found the right piece to complete it. In the end, the missing piece outgrew that right fit piece even though things were going good. However, sometimes people change and we need to grow instead of becoming content. That's just how life works. I also liked the end how the whole piece told the missing piece that it could become its own whole piece. All it had to do was realize it was it needed to be complete.


Instructions :In your reply to my classmate you should:

Expand on or clarify a specific point(s) made in the answer

Offer an additional argument to support a position taken in an answer

Suggest ways in which an idea could be more clearly expressed

Identify passages where you think the writer misunderstood a concept or applied it


Disagree with a point or position made in an answer


Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Response: The Missing Piece Meets the Big O Name Institution Date RESPONSE     The opening statement highlights the missing piece sat alone as though waiting for someone to take it. The wedge like creature desired a circle to make it complete, but this does not happen as various shapes that come along but none fits the right profile. Similarly, people are at times lonely when they look for other people to complete them, ignoring that the need to be happy and comfortable with themselves when alone to get along well with others. Feeling peculiar when young can be devastating, but one need not be a follower as there are leaders who pave the way for others. You can best engage with others when you   are comfortable with yourself and use independent thinking when there is some...
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