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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Response to Team Regarding Ethical Issues in Healthcare Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer,

This assignment is response to the another team's assignment- Response to team 8. Team 8 assignment is attached. Also there is attached responses of 5 students from my team. Could you please incorporate those responses to one assignment as response to team 8. Also, there is not response for # 9 of 9 steps of Ethical Decision-Making ( Proper Ethical Action and its Defense), that is my part, could you please add response to it?

Also, for # 7 of 9 steps of Ethical Decision- Making, there is not enough information, could you please add some more info. You can add some more info for each steps.

I have put two pages, but if you need one more page please feel free to add it, I will pay it additionally. Just let me know.

Please refer to the attachments for assignment's instructions and case study- Attachment: Module 5 & 6, Mrs. Mariotti.

Please follow the assignment's instructions and the rubric.

No reference's needed

No cover page

Thank you for your time

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response to the Team
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Response to the Team
After reading your team’s answers on the scenario of Mrs. Mariotti, we agree with you that the various factors laid out need a thorough evaluation to ensure that all processes lead towards elevating the client’s health condition. We wish to state that your response to Module five and six, as requested, was informative, descriptive, and evoked our thoughts as a team. Therefore, we want to share some insights we found valuable according to your response’s nine ethical principles. Conversely, our response towards your answers consists of approvals for some of your statements, while other segments contain areas we found plausible to improve.
In the facts section, we concur with your assertions that Mrs. Mariotti’s desire to select the type of treatment she feels best is within her rights as a client. Besides, the client’s decision to change her diet is plausible despite the dangers emanating from such action. However, the medical team must ensure they advise the patient of the impending risks of changing her diet. In such a situation, the medic team must brief the client’s relatives of the dangers likely to ensue from such a decision and subsequently focus on safeguarding her life. As a team, we wish to disagree with your assertion that Mr. Marrioti was aware of his wife’s deteriorating health condition and denied access to the required medical services.
On the part of the ethical issues, we wish to affirm that the medical team has the right to safeguard life. In this scenario, the ideal solution to improve Mrs. Marrioti’s health condition is feeding her using a catheter. Arguably, feeding the client using the tube will prevent her from choking, making it possible for the doctors to save her life. The use of a duct will be a win-win situation for both parties. Conversely, we wish to highlight that using the tube is a prudent action by the doctors since they can opt for its discontinuation if the situation deteriorates. Accordingly, Mrs. Mariotti’s request to eat what she is craving causes moral distress, making it impossible for the nurses to fulfill their ethical obligations.
We agree that the couple are primarily the affected parties in this predicament on the affected parties section. Conversely, the second list of affected parties consists of the physician, dietician, nurse, spiritual support worker, speech pathologist, and social worker. Besides, we approve the IPT stakeholders you outlined as affected parties. All the parties mentioned...
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