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Development Stages of Piaget's Cognitive Theory

Essay Instructions:

Many healthcare professionals need to assess their patients' cognitive functioning and to match their explanations of medical concepts to their patients' cognitive abilities. There are differenct means of doing this, one is to use Piaget's Cognitive Theory.

Since you are now knowleagable healthcare professionals, your task (as a group) is to create a relatively short factsheet with information about this theory and how it can be used in healthcare settings. You are writting for individuals with NO knowledge of this theory.


Open the Factsheet (attached).

Complete the Information requested in 1 and 2 (all of the other general directions on the factsheet can be deleted before you submit the assignment).

Submit the completed factsheet (assignment) to Teams.

Please note the following expectations for your work on this assignment:

Download and edit, as a team, the attached factsheet.

All work on the factsheet must be done in Teams.

This is a group assignment, so there will be one submission per group.

Each member of the team is expected to contribute to the assignment.

Please provide your group name and the names of all individuals who worked on the assignment on the form.

You will need citations and references. Use APA formatting for both of these.

Assume your reader has NO KNOWLEDGE of any human development concept. Thus, you will need to quickly and efficiently explain key concepts on your factsheet.

To accommodate the President's Day Holiday, this assignment is due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Please let me know if you have questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Students First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institution Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructors Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Cognition studies how human beings think and process information. Moreover, it is concerned with the way they respond to information and the process involved in thinking. There are several types in cognition which include, attention which is the ability of one to focus on a given direction, a language which is the mode in which thoughts are expressed, learning which is the ability to accommodate new data, a memory which is the ability to keep information and retrieve it when needed and lastly perception which is the way human accepts information and produce the information in responding to the input. The significance of patient cognition is to know the person's brain level of function. Various theories explain the cognition of a patient, which includes
Piaget's Cognitive Theory
Piaget's Cognitive theory tends to investigate the intellectual development of children. It's not that adults are more mature than children, but it's the difference in thinking that brings out the maturity difference (Malik, 2019). Piaget's Cognitive Theory explains the brain development of children. The theory involves the following development stages
The sensorimotor stage
This study tends to investigate the brain development of children aged two years and below. At this stage, children and infants learn through sense. The way they interact with the environment determines how they will perceive information—environment influences children at this stage. The language learns by children is dependent on the language spoken by the people around them.
The Preoperational stage
This stage mainly occurs in children age 2-7 years. Children at this age gain mo...
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