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Evaluating Various Type of Privacy

Essay Instructions:

For the Module 4 SLP, continue with the selected healthcare organization from Module 1, and respond to the items below:

Discuss three privacy and security aspects that apply to your organization.

What are three challenges encountered when implementing health care privacy and security in your organization?

How does the digital aspect of healthcare data complicate privacy?

Discuss three professional certifications that are popular in the healthcare privacy community. What are the requirements for the credential?

Please continue to make refinements to the SLP based on feedback, additional research, and new information that becomes available to you. Your final SLP submission will consist of all four modules combined. Please ensure that it reads well and that it is formatted appropriately.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your references and citations should be consistent with a particular formatting style, such as APA Style. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Provide references from at least three (3) scholarly articles and from peer-reviewed journals. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php

Your response should be based on reliable and scholarly material, such as peer-reviewed articles, white papers, technical papers, etc. Please use the following resource for evaluating information found on the internet to ensure that you are using reliable sources: https://www(dot)library(dot)georgetown(dot)edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content

Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

480 SLP 4
Professor's Name
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Institution Affiliation
Maintaining excellent standards of privacy is paramount in every organization, particularly health organizations. Health organizations collect a lot of patients' data before attending to them. The data must be positively secured to ensure the confidentiality of their health and personal information. A breach of a patient's privacy will land a health institution into trouble, and a patient against the institution can take legal action. Therefore, an analysis of health institutions' security and privacy aspects must be conducted to identify any challenges experienced, the impact of technology, and how to ensure privacy is not compromised.
The privacy and security aspects that apply to my organization include informational privacy, decisional privacy, physical privacy, and associational privacy. Physical privacy entails giving sick people their personal space to the extent which they desire. It can also be defined by the extent of access to their five senses. There should be a limit to which different individuals interact with patients to prevent infringement of their privacy and ensure that they are comfortable.
Informational privacy refers to the degree to which a patient can control the dissemination of their personal information. Doctors and other health care workers usually collect essential and relevant details about their patients to assess their health conditions correctly. The hospital normally stores the data under the health records department. The data should be stored safely to prevent other people from accessing it. The doctors should also ensure that there are confidentiality and secrecy of patients' data by ensuring that they do not share their patients' data with anyone without the patient's approval.
Decisional privacy revolves around allowing the patient the freedom to make decisions about their health on their own without coercion. The decision process should not have interruptions and interferences from any party, such as a family member or the government. A patient has the right to decide the type of treatment they desire and the right to agree or refuse specific health procedures involved in the treatment process. Any concerned party must respect the choices made by the patient without question. However, it must be noted that the decisions made have to comply with the health act and any other legal requirements set by a country's constitution.
Implementing health care privacy and security is not a walk in the park for health care institutions. Health care institutions face several challenges as they try to ensure privacy and security (Kisekka & Giboney 2018). My organization's challenges include using outdated medical software and hardware, errors in adopting new technological methods, and cybersecurity risks.
Small medical organizations like mine find it difficult to access new and improved equipment that can be used to enhance privacy and security because medical equipment is quite costly. The institution does not have adequate resources required to keep up with the current information technology trends, yet the risks are evolving. The organization uses outdated hardware and software, which lacks efficiency and is more prone to risks.
Acquiring new hardware and software is one thing, and operating it is another. Therefore, adopting recent technological advancements is difficult for...
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