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Film Response The Film Rotten From Netflix

Essay Instructions:

Film Response Paper:

5 pages, double spaced using 10 pt font.

Due March 5, 2019, uploaded to NYU Classes by 11:59 pm

This assignment is an opportunity to integrate what you’ve learned thus far from the course materials and class discussions and to apply the three-part analytic framework (Agriculture, Policy (& politics), and Social Realities & Behaviors) that has guided our class discussions to the portrayal of the dairy industry in the 2017 documentary film “Milk Money”, Episode 5 of the Netflix series Rotten.

This response paper is your chance to communicate your personal view(s) about what you have learned as it relates specifically to the film and readings. This paper is not intended to be a summary of the film’s content, a test of your comprehension, or a film review. Rather, your paper should reveal to me, the reader, your evaluation, analysis and critique of the film’s portrayal of the dairy industry.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages long,

Some questions to guide you in formulating your thoughts and arguments

(but not necessarily to discuss in your paper):

Consider the film and readings individually and ask yourself:

• What is the main problem or issue that the film is addressing?

• What is the filmmaker’s central claim, argument, or point?

• What assumptions does he or she make?

• What evidence does he or she present?

• What are the strengths and weaknesses of the film?

• What are possible counterarguments to the claims made?

• Does the film present a balanced and fair view?

• Why are the problem(s) and the argument(s) interesting or important?

Consider the film and readings collectively and think about the following:

• How do they relate to one another? Do the filmmaker and authors agree? Disagree? Address different aspects of an issue? Formulate a problem in different ways?

• In what way (if any) does the information or argument of one text strengthen or weaken the argument of others?

• Does integrating the claims in two or more of the texts advance your understanding of a larger issue?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Film Response
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Film Response
The film Rotten from Netflix is a documentary film that tries to expose the factors that destroy the decent food system. Episode five focuses on the raw milk and the possible effects of the milk to consumer’s health. The theme portrays the main issue, which it considers to be raw milk. It does so by narrating the story of Mary McGonigle Martin and her son Chris Martin, who became very ill after consuming raw milk from Mark MacAfee’s milk farm (Milk Money, 2018). Based on the flow of the film, the producers seem to portray a rotten dairy industry that produces highly dangerous raw milk without the concern for the consumers. Astonishingly, even after the sick boy was hospitalized for having consumed the raw milk, MacAfee stated that it would be impossible for his family to end their production of raw milk. The effects of raw milk are well known. However, even after eleven years since Martin was hospitalized for having been affected by raw milk and the constant plea to end the production of raw milk, raw milk producers such as MacAfee continue their operations (Milk Money, 2018).
The film displays the dairy industry as a highly influential industry. The lack of action taken by the authorities concerning the issue brings to light the lack of proper policies and the influence of politics in the dairy industry. The dairy industry has been faced with several concerns from the public regarding the implications of the dairy products on human health. The film tries to demonstrate such public concerns and also shows how dairy companies get the upper hand. By including the story of Mary Martin and her son, together with Mark MacAfee, the film sets an example of the constant fight between the society and the dairy producers. Mark represents the dairy companies and is personified as the villain, whereas Martin represents the consumer and is personified as the victim. Similar to Mark, companies in the dairy industry neglect the plea by consumers to stop the production of products that are harmful to the health of consumers. However, such pleas are disregarded, and due to the political influence that these dairy companies have, the authorities are unable to follow up with the concerns of the consumer.
Moreover, the film also portrays the lack of proper regulations governing the dairy industry. After Chris Martin was affected by the raw milk, the family has been trying to get the attention of authorities to follow up with the issue. However, eleven years have passed, and no action has been taken. Mark’s dairy operates as normal. This indicates that the dairy industry either lacks proper guidelines to control their production or the guidelines are corrupted. The possibility of corrupted guidelines is brought about by the influence the industry has in the government. The lack of proper guidelines can be attributed to the built-in-conflict within the department of agriculture, which has failed to reconcile the interests of the dairy companies with that of the public. As portrayed in the film, the society is on the losing side in the fight against dairy products that affect the public’s health.
The film also shows that consumer behavior is influenced by more than one socio-economic variable. Despite the raw milk having affected Chris to the point of hospitalization, Mark mentions that the company cannot end the production of raw milk because a large number of consumers need the product. However, publicity was not an important issue for the dairy consumers since even after eleven years of sharing their concerns about the effects of raw milk, Chris and Mary were unable to convince consumers to stop buying raw milk. Judging by the film, consumers of dairy products are less likely to be influenced by one social ...
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