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Essay Instructions:
Essay Paper—Exploring a Relevant Issue or Trend *8 page double-spaced paper (plus abstract and reference list) focusing on a specific issue or trend as it relates to professional/advanced practice nursing. *Discussion should be based on relevant professional literature within the past five years. *The paper must include the student's individual position on how the issue/trend presents challenges and/or opportunities for the nursing profession and advanced practice nursing. *Student's viewpoints should be supported with appropriate rationale from the literature. Grading Criteria for Final Paper/Outline 1.Describe a relevant issue or trend in nursing (20%) Midwife designation in North America has huge discrepancies in titles, roles and educational pathways. There are many differences state to state and province to province. For example CNM, CM, and CPM in America; and registered midwife, certified midwife, and licensed midwife in Canada. Also discuss the separate clause for aboriginal midwifery in Canada. 2.Discuss the significance of the issue/trend as it relates to advanced practice nursing (20%) The various titles are confusing to the public, and even amongst health-care providers to distinguish the differences. If advanced practice nurses are supposed to be at the graduate levels, this does not bode well for the future of nursing. etc 3.Apply 3 or more QSEN competencies to the issue/trend (15%) - Patient-Centered Care- Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient\'s preferences, values, and needs.\" - Teamwork & Collaboration- \"Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.\" - Evidence Based Practice- \"Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.\" - Quality Improvement- \"Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.\" - Safety- \"Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.\" - Informatics- \"Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making.\" 4.Identify at least three (3) APN competencies in Hamric {Hamric, A.B., Spross, J.A. & Hanson, C.M. (2009). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders} as they relate to the issue 15% 1. direct clinical practice, 2. expert coaching and advice, 3. consultation, 4. research skills, 5. clinical and professional leadership, 6. collaboration, and 7. ethical decision-making 5.Identify your own position statement in terms of the potential impact of the issue to the nursing profession and the APN (10%) 6.References (minimum 5 references, 3 of these references from a nursing journal) 10% American College of Nurse-Midwives website. (2010). Comparison of Certified Nurse-Midwives, Certified Midwives, and Certified Professional Midwives: Clarifying the distinctions among professional midwifery credentials in the U.S. Retrieved from http://www(dot)midwife(dot)org/acnm/files/cclibraryfiles/filename/000000001031/cnm%20cm%20cpm%20comparison%20chart%20march%202011.pdf. Canadian Midwifery Regulators Consortium (CMRC)/Le Consortium Canadien des Ordres de Sages-femmes (CCOSF): Legal Status of Midwifery in Canada. (2012). Retrieved from http://cmrc-ccosf(dot)ca/node/19. Hamric, A.B., Spross, J.A. & Hanson, C.M. (2009). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. Paterson, S. (2011). Midwives, women and the state: (de)constructing midwives and pregnant women in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 44(3), 483-505. doi: http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1017/S000842391100045X. 7.Spelling, Grammar, APA Format (10%) this is a revision, original writer has given up. Here are the revision instructions: Hello, There are a few issues with this paper. The instructions stipulated that 3 of the references had to be from nursing journals, all references are from textbooks - I even provided some references. There are a lot of grammatical errors and there are some incorrect information. The paper is supposed to ADVOCATE for Advanced practice nurses, in this case midwives, the paper is simply highlighting "a topic or a trend relevant to advanced practice nursing" as stipulated in the instructions. I am unsure if the author has a full grasp of the subject. The statement: "Midwifery is a career that came into being after a time that people especially women had faced a difficult challenge whenever they were giving birth. Midwifery came at a time when there was a radical healthcare restructuring, and this was highly marked by the hospital's staffing cuts and closures." is incorrect; and also America does not have provinces. Kindly let me know if I need to resend the instructions.
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Until recently, Modern forms of Midwifery have been incorporated in almost the entire states in North America. These midwifes are categorized under different titles such as CNM, CM, and CPM depending on their experience and certification. There mode of payments for the services also varies in accordance to different regions and states; but what has become peculiar to these midwifes is that their services has become almost uniform in all the regions. This paper argues that the government initiatives of offering these women special training to meet their job demands have resulted into empowering them in this profession. Moreover, through the “direct entry” program for midwifes in institutions of higher learning has turned the face midwifery a new meaning in North American perspective. The paper has also presented reasons on why the new phase of midwifery in North America will be deemed efficient.
A Survey conducted in 2007 by McNiven et al in Canada found out that there were over seven hundred midwives in North America. These midwifes were registered under different titles and in different times. Their payment mode also varied with regard to their educational background and the place of work. The type of fees charged by these midwives also varied accordingly. Additionally the study also found that the experiences of midwives at this time were low (McNiven, 2011).
In America, a degree either in undergraduate or postgraduate was a requirement for a nurse to qualify as midwife. However, midwives in Netherlands objected to the same trend of having to follow a degree in their profession and followed their own system of operation. Midwives who were not nurses in US also objected to the concept that they receive university education, preferring instead to stay in their own system. Mid wives bowed down to their cultural pressure and joined universities in acquiring degrees. Many did not want to follow their American counterparts in the postgraduate level (Benoit, 2011).
A number of midwives in Canada however did not see advancement in midwifery education as a necessary element in the sector. Their assumption was that educating a nurse makes her to be subject to physicians, thus making them not independent. They also argued that midwives should be left alone independent to practice their profession independently. In Ontario Canada, there was an alliance between nurses and midwives, which resulted into an agreement that midwives could not be required to be nurses so as to enrol in university studies. This was much different in comparison to other places such Netherlands and USA where education model for the midwives did not mix nursing and midwifery. As a result Canadian midwifes were much autonomous than their counterparts say in Britain (Paterson, 2011).
Midwife Discrepancies in North America
In Canada, the profession of midwifery falls under the provincial and local government officials. However, some states do not regulate midwifery. In the places where they are regulated, they are registered under various titles such as the registered midwife and they are accepted to engage in such obligations.
As we saw earlier, midwifery course are often taught at the university level. The mode of entry for these midwifes is referred to as “direct entry” this means that there no nursing or any other education papers required. Since midwife education was only established in the late 1990s, majority of the practising midwifes received their education elsewhere. Hence the midwives of Canada today have a varied of education backgrounds and experiences (Canadian midwifery Association, 2006).
For nurses to be allowed to practice midwifery, they must undergo training in the related areas. They are also required to participate regularly in training programs offered by the regulatory agencies.
ACPM is midwife personnel who are certified to practice midwifery by the North American registry of midwives (NARM). The CPM is an internationally recognised certification, which requires that midwifes possess out of hospital skills in midwifery (Canadian midwifery Association, 2006).
CNMs are practitioners who have certification in undergraduate level or postgraduate in both nursing and midwifery. There certification is overseen by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB).Those who are certified under this board are allowed to practice in all regions of the American states. services offered by these practitioners range from assisting women in giving birth, providing care during pregnancies, after birth, genecology, newborn attendance, family planning, preconception care, menopause and health counseling (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric & Neonatal Nursing, 2009).
Canadian Aboriginal women have for a long time encountered social, political and cultural huddles, which have negatively influenced their health and cultural aspects. Modernization and advancement in technology had diminished the role of a traditional midwife.
However, the new perspective with regard to how the Canadian government views these traditional midwives have reversed this new trend and incorporated the merging of a traditional midwife with modernity so as to provide enhanced maternity services (Paterson, 2011).
Significance of the midwife development
In the present times, there is significant improvement with regard to the kind of services offered by the modern midwifes in the hospitals around North America. The training offered to these midwifes has been significant in raising the standards of their operations from their traditional perspectives. A report by the world health Organization (WHO) points that midwifes have become the most effective practitioners in offering maternity services in North America (CPM, 2012).

In 1970s, some midwives came together and a formed an associated that was aimed at caring for those women who felt that they wanted to give birth at their homes. These women were identified under the umbrella of (MANA) that is Midwives Alliance of North America. These later developed into a national outlook that brought together midwives from all background.
Services of these midwives are urgently required in order to addresses the defect of the said services in our hospitals. This is because, in today’s perspective, they possess essentials knowledge and skills in maternity centers and home. They are handy to the people who badly need them as they are they specialized in this area. There labor cost is also not very expensive (MANA, 2012).

CIMS, which stands for the Coalition on Improving Maternity Services, is a body constituting of childbirth counselors, midwives, doctors, nurses and clients. CIMS was formed in 1996 to address issues to do with maternity problems in America. One ...
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