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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Healthcare in the United States

Essay Instructions:


Looking back from weeks 1 to now, there was a lot of information that was shared about the U.S. healthcare delivery systems - from discussing private and public health insurance choices to the importance of stakeholders.

Question multiple aspects of how health care is delivered in the US.

Include the following aspects in the journal:

Ø Were there any surprises about healthcare in the United States?

Ø What information did you find to be the most beneficial?

Ø If you are in charge, what would you change about the U.S. healthcare system?

Ø Investigate the principal drivers of change that will take place in the health system over the next 10 years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The private sector primarily controls health care in the United States. About 58% of the hospitals present in the communities are privately owned, and 22% belong to the government. Thus, healthcare has become supper expensive for low-income earning individuals, leading to Americans' life expectancy reduction (Budrionis & Bellika, 2016). Due to income disparities among the citizens, it proved impossible to provide healthcare, especially for low-income earners, without straining the budget. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, was introduced in 2010 to solve this issue. It came as a surprise to most citizens. Obamacare increased taxes for the high-income earners to fund healthcare in the low-income areas.
Advancements in technology have led to significant health breakthroughs. Through technology, research has been done in the advancement of vaccine developments for common diseases. For instance, Stem cell research has made it possible for individuals to grow new tissues and organs that the body does not reject compared to when one undergoes a transplant. Other technology advancements are gene mapping, x-rays, body scans, and robotics to help surgeons during surgery (Reibling et al. l., 2019). Another technology that has been predicted to revolutionize the healthcare system entirely is artificial intelligence. AI allows the sharing of patient data across the globe, helping doctors diagnose patients, hence preventing deaths resulting from doctors wrongly diagnosing patients (Manogaran et al., 2017).
Other changes in healthcare over the period are improved delivery, integration, and consolidation. Healthcare today has developed networks, such...
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