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Reflection on Creating and Using a Staffing Matrix in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Scenario: You are the nurse leader of a 30-bed medical surgical unit and have to account for all staffing, including any discrepancies. Using sound financial management principles, complete the "NUR-621 Topic 8: Staffing Matrix" in the provided Excel template.

After completing the matrix, compose an 1,000-1,250-word reflection answering the following questions:
Why is it important to use a staffing matrix in your health care setting?
Briefly describe your staffing matrix. How many FTEs (full-time equivalent) on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs? What units of services or work measurement did you use and why? What financial management principles did you use to determine your staffing matrix?
Explain how you adjusted your staffing based on changes in the patient census.
You receive your financial report for the month. You have used more FTEs than what was budgeted for your census. How will you make up the variance? How would you reallocate resources to make up for the variance and still comply with guidelines?
Include two to four peer-reviewed references in your essay, including the textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Staffing Matrix and Reflection
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Staffing Matrix and Reflection
Healthcare productivity relies on the staffing approaches and how they are implemented. Staffing is one of the complex processes in healthcare and the most beneficial when properly integrated. It determines the management of turnover rate and any possible surges caused by healthcare problems. The staffing matrix limits any shortcomings and financial issues that may jeopardize the actual healthcare functioning. Appropriate staffing limits health disparities that impact healthcare quality, such as errors from fatigued healthcare workers (Shang et al., 2018). Therefore, the staffing level should be maintained depending on the capacity and capability of the healthcare workers. It is necessary to determine the available resources, financial and human, before establishing the staffing matrix to encourage quality healthcare. The paper reflects on a staffing matrix considering 30-bed medical-surgical units.
Importance of Staffing Matrix
The staffing matrix is vital in the staffing matrix since it aids in quantitative resource allocation. It ensures resources are allocated based on reliable criteria with minimal duplications and ambiguities. The reflection shows the use of the matric in aligning the FTEs for daily tasks. It also shows adherence to financial laws in healthcare to meet the patients' and health workers' needs. It is vital in the healthcare setting to establish reliable criteria for duty assigning in the surgical unit. According to Restrepo et al. (2020), a staffing matrix provide resource-based schedules that reduce emerging conflicts in the healthcare setting. Besides, it also indicates financial requirements and validation, thus limiting any possibility of resource mismanagement.
The staffing matrix is established based on different financial principles, thus linking healthcare and finance. Financial principles play a key role in shaping the viability of the staffing matrix by considering different elements of financial allocation. Besides, the matrix is relevant in the healthcare setting by ensuring the accomplishment of patient needs and expectations (Africa, 2017). It allows the healthcare experts to work in line with the established schedule avoiding confusion while handling the patient. It also allows healthcare workers to uphold time management and ensure high-quality healthcare. Time and finance are major aspects of healthcare; they determine healthcare quality and engagement between patients and health workers. For instance, a surgical unit is critical for quality and time management. Therefore, the only solution is a well-established staffing matrix for effective coordination of the healthcare workers. Therefore, it is justifiable that a staffing matrix is appropriate to sustain healthcare operations in the healthcare setting.
Description of the Staffing Matrix
Based on the matrix, there are 12 nurses, two nurses leading the team during the day and night. Having nurse leaders promotes smooth operation among the nurses. Besides, two-unit leaders monitor all the units depending on the shifts. The nurses work in shifts, with six nurses performing during the day while the remaining, at night. The FTEs on the staffing roster needed to cater to daily needs are 1.0 FTEs to ensure cost-effectiveness and quality healthcare. 1.0 FTEs resemble 40-hours a week. The work measurement or units of service users are hours and number of patients engaged. They were used to assist in financial planning and resource allocation. They are also essential in cost forecasting to avoid any possible challenges in the future. Therefo...
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