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Persuasive Research: Nursing is a Woman's Job

Essay Instructions:

persuasive research paper
12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1 inch margins
2 outside sources, cited in APA format in the body of your paper, and fully cited at the end.

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Nursing is a woman’s job
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Nursing is a woman’s job
Whether nursing is a female or a male career is a question that is as old as the nursing career itself. Both the opponents and the proponents of the argument whether nursing is a female job have been able to field persuasive arguments over the years, but the fact is that one of the two is right while the other is wrong. It is not an issue of gender stereotyping but rather an issue of trying to identify the best gender that can outperform the other in the nursing profession. Therefore, nursing has become a profession deeply embedded in arguments and contestations which are gender-based. Putting aside the contestations and arguments as to whether nursing is a female or a male career that have prevailed for centuries, the fact remains that nursing is a woman's career.
Florence Nightingale’s Argument
I agree with Florence Nightingale's consideration of the nursing career as an extension of women's domestic duties. By being an extension of their domestic duties, women easily outperform men in nursing because their male counterparts must acquire nursing skills from learning institutions. In contrast, women have the advantage of acquiring nursing skills from learning institutions. Their efficiency in nursing is boosted by the fact that nursing is an extension of their domestic duties. As such, they are more efficient as nurses. Even though Florence's image of a nurse as a nurturing, subordinate, humble, domestic, and self-sacrificing individual became prevalent during her days, the social construction of what it means to be a nurse has evolved to mean a caring and hard-working woman who can intervene in people's lives when they need special care and attention (Akansel, n.d.). According to her, roles like dependency, caring, and submission are more attributable to women than men. These are roles and attributes that are of key importance in making one an efficient and successful nurse. These qualities are so much attributed to women that men who enter the nursing profession often get questioned about their masculinity because sociologists describe men's sex-role socialization as instrumental for men and expressive for women.
Male vs. Female Temperaments and Dispositions
Inherently, men and all-male species are less tolerant of irritants and are quicker to anger than their female counterparts. This is evident even in a family setup where mothers are more tolerant, receptive, and easily cope with noisy and playful children than fathers. Even though the noise from playful children who occasionally do irritating things may be unbearable to fathers, their wives are more tolerant and may hardly lash at children. Marital counselors have observed that due to men’s intolerant nature to noise and disturbances from their young children, they prefer to stay out late and come back to their homes when children have slept. That is how bad it is. When this disparity of character between men and women is transferred into the nursing career whereby patients need and at times demand extra attention in a manner that may be deemed childish at times due to their illnesses, then it becomes an indisputable fact that women are more suitable to help them as nurses. Women have more stable and sober temperaments and dispositions while under pressure than their male counterparts. This requisite requirement in nursing has inherently placed women as the best candidates for the nursing profession compared to their male counterparts, who are easily irritable and quick to anger.
Men Find Task-Switching (Multi-Tasking) difficult.
Men are task-oriented beings who are hardly capable of handling many tasks at a time, unlike their male counterparts. Practical experiments by scientists inside homes showed that while a woman can watch a toddler while cooking and at the same time watching the television, a man can hardly do the three and not mess with at least one. Nursing is a profession that may require a nurse to attend to multiple tasks at once and make sure that she has not endangered the lives of her patients. This makes women more naturally suitable for the nursing profession than men who can hardly talk while texting. Research has suggested that it is extremely difficult for men to switch between tasks because the male brain appears to need more power when doing this compared to the female brain (Sandoiu, 2016). As such, it is easier ...
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