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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Quality health. Strengths of the Al-Yarmouk Hospital

Essay Instructions:

As indicated in the Research Activity, out of 200 applicants, you were selected to work as the manager in the research department for a special task force with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Review the CDC website at https://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov. Your first assignment with the special task force is to focus on Opioid Overdose. The CDC reports that from 1999 to 2015, more than 183,000 people died in the U.S. from overdose related to prescription opioids.

The CDC has been researching the impact of opioid overdose to protect the public’s health and prevent opioid overdose deaths using surveillance and research. Your focus is two primary areas: 1) opioid prescribing guidelines for physicians, and 2) ways hospitals can create prescription drug monitoring as a part of their Quality Management Department (see https://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/drugoverdose/index.html).

The CDC sent you to a local hospital, and based on your Research Activity, you were asked to provide the hospital leaders with a 10-slide PowerPoint to explain your research findings and to include a SWOT analysis. Your research skills used to create a SWOT analysis is based on Chapter 3 in the textbook and from the Research Exercise. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; this analysis tool can be used to identify forces that can potentially help or harm the healthcare organization. Review the SWOT examples in Figures 1 and 2; listen to the Week 1 Lecture in Blackboard, and review the video on SWOT: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=I_6AVRGLXGA.

Figure 1

Figure 2

It has to have a theses about opioid drugs prescribtion The CDC sent you to a local hospital, and based on your Research Activity, you were asked to provide the hospital leaders with a 10-slide PowerPoint to explain your research findings and to include a SWOT analysis. Your research skills used to create a SWOT analysis is based on Chapter 3 in the textbook and from the Research Exercise. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; this analysis tool can be used to identify forces that can potentially help or harm the healthcare organization. Review the SWOT examples in Figures 1 and 2; listen to the Week 1 Lecture in Blackboard, and review the video on SWOT: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=I_6AVRGLXGA. It should be a presentation power power point

Figure 1

Your 10-slide SWOT PowerPoint should follow this format:

1.Slide 1 should be a cover page;

2.Slide 2 is the background;

3.Slides 3-9 should have a Thesis Statement and follow the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, and Conclude; and

4.Slide 10 is the reference page and should contain at least three (3) quality peer-reviewed references in SWS format. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

5.This course requires use of new Student Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Analyze the critical management issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization management.

•Write clearly and concisely about health services organization management using proper writing mechanics.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quality of Health
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Institution Affiliation
The previous month, the CDC sent me to a local hospital. I was asked to propose a SWOT analysis for Al-Yarmouk hospital (Strömberg, 2018). For this purpose, I collaborated with the Chief Nursing Officer, discussed matters with them and brainstormed new ideas to come up with a quality report. Hopefully, this analysis will help the CDC understand the impact of opioid overdose, ensuring people’s health and reducing the number of deaths caused by opioid overdose.
Strengths of the Al-Yarmouk Hospital
* A large number of experienced nurses are available to assist patients in case of an emergency.
* Compliance code of ethics of hospital healthcare providers.
* The performance of all staff members is evaluated once a month.
* Several in-service education programs are available to facilitate the new and existing faculty members.
* The infrastructure is good enough.
* Informal communication is done on a regular basis, and all hospital departments are encouraged to particulate in discussion sessions.
Weaknesses of the Al-Yarmouk Hospital
* No commitment to hospital policies and regulations.
* There is a lack of support in terms of time and money.
* Competition among nurses and doctors seems to be absen...
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