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Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)

Essay Instructions:

Developmental challenges:

Autism-Introduce the typical problems it brings into children’s lives. Include the terms equifinality and multifinality. Are there differences in frequency of diagnosis access to treatment based on gender, SES, or race. What are effective interventions?

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Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) is a complex neurobehavioral condition which impacts on social skills, speech, and non-verbal communications, causing repetitive behavior. It is a life-long condition which affects the manner a person thinks and communicates with the world around him. Autism also causes sensory issues including an aversion to sound and sight.
Children affected with autism may face severe issues with body movement and repetitiveness such as rocking and hand flapping. They respond unusually to people and situations, showing unusual attachment to objects, an aggressive behavior, and resistance to change. Autistic children may face seizures and failure to notice the presence of people or activities in their surroundings. They face difficulties following the social rules like how to begin a conversation, how close to stand with a person, and how to make a friend. Some of them turn out to be hypersensitive to sounds.
Autism’s causes revolve around Equifinality principle where Rubella in pregnant mothers, Tuberous sclerosis, Encephalitis, Fragile X syndrome, and untreated phenylketonuria lead to such a condition ("What Causes Autism?", 2012). However, the outcome of Autism is led by Multifinality principle where an autistic person faces issues related to social skills, repetitiveness, and thinking process.
Considering gender, autism can be observed differently in females than males. According to Szalavitz (2016),
“Behavioral and preliminary neuroimaging findings suggest autism manifests differently in girls. Notably, females with autism may be closer to typically developing males in their social abilities than typical girls or boys with autism. Girls with autism may be harder to diagnose for several reasons, including criteria developed specifically around males and overlapping diagnoses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or anorexia.”
The diagnosis also varies...
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