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Public Health Systems Map: Community Health Infrastructure Enhancements

Essay Instructions:

Minimum Requirements

It will be impossible to include community infrastructure elements from all of the categories suggested. The goal is to select those that are most influential to the system and its components you have already identified as important. However, this should not be a superficial or quickly assembled layer of your map. The infrastructure component is the final addition to your existing map.

This layer should be detailed. Specific programs, resources, characteristics, roles, and other activities of the infrastructure elements should be included. Use nodes to provide specificity.

Carefully consider how your elements and their nodes are linked. Remember--this is not a community inventory; this should represent your analysis of these elements and why they are influential upon the system you are analyzing.

In your narrative, briefly: a) describe each element you are adding and the specific programs, resources or other assets you are including, and b) for each element, describe how it influences the other components in your system, and c) describe how elements are related to each other.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Health Infrastructure Enhancements
Course code:
State and Local Government.
"Even the toughest warriors need to take a knee and get a drink of water. That applies mentally too. Sometimes the mental and emotional burden becomes too heavy, and we have to take a knee" CITATION Lau211 \l 1033 (Bischoff, 2021). These are the words of Major General John Harris, Ohio Adjutant General, which emphasize the State's concern regarding the rising cases of veteran suicides. Acknowledging the crisis by people in power is the first step toward creating and implementing social changes.
Suicide remains the leading cause of death in Ohio among youth aged 10-14 and the second-leading cause among Ohioans aged 15-24, according to the State's prevention plan CITATION Lyn21 \l 1033 (Hulsey, 2021). State and Local government interventions are essential in driving the needed change to de-stigmatize mental illness. The State allocated $500,000 for suicide prevention programs in 2020, highlighting its commitment to the cause. Ohio is currently participating in the Governor's challenges which welcomes community participation. Such groups include law enforcement, the faith-based community, academic partners, military spouse organizations, and members of underrepresented groups (women, LGBTQ+, ethnic minority advocacy organizations, etc. CITATION Lau211 \l 1033 (Bischoff, 2021).)
Physical Environment
Ohio has long suffered a systemic lack of investments, with the American Society of civil engineers giving it a C- o the infrastructure report card. Currently, 1377 bridges and over 4,925 miles of highway are in poor condition. It is also estimated that approximately 730 Ohio veterans are homeless among the State's increasing homeless crisis. In 2016, homelessness among veterans was declared "effectively ended" in the Dayton region. Another county to achieve this is St. Louis, following the footsteps of numerous counties in the U.S. Community and local government involvement has catapulted efforts to fund housing and essential services.
President Biden and Vice President Harris have introduced the Bipartisan infrastructure law, considered the most significant long-term investment for infrastructure competitiveness. The law will help create a generation of good-paying union jobs and the economic growth needed to reduce poverty, unemployment, and homelessness. Ohio expects to receive $9.9 billion over five years to help fund mega-projects such as the transportation system and homes. The funds can be allocated to improve driver behavior and reduce deaths and injuries from vehicle-related crashes CITATION UDD22 \l 1033 (Transportantion, 2022). Highway safety will provide fatalities, especially cyclists, pedestrians, and the homeless. Safe streets will snowball effect on reducing insecurity, consequently improving the physical environment of Ohio.
Hospitals and Health Care Entities.
War's physiological burden on the military service members is just as critical to their survival as the physical. Veterans are often under immense pressure, stress, and easy access to firearms. Craig Bryan, a clinical psychologist, bases his arguments on his deployment in Iraq and research funded by the U...
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