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Public Health Questions

Essay Instructions:

the writer can use more resources for citation and please use new articles. This assignment is about the country listed Bolivia, china,India,Mozambique and Nicaragua. Please the writer to do all his or best in writing this assignment please see question below to answer for the assignment. Thank you 

1) How is the Guarani culture contributed to the spread of chagas disease?

2) As a public health professional, what key steps would need to be taken to address barriers in preventing chagas disease while still preserving important practices of their culture?

3) What challenges could public health professional confront when working on public health project with indigenous populations like guarani?

4) What are some key component of TCM that are different than westernize medicine 

5) Why would it be difficult to collect scientific evidence to show the effectiveness of TCM?

6) How many traditional Chinese views of the body and illness clash with modern medicine?

7) How are the three primary forces, also known as doshas, connected to health and illness?

8) What are some similarities between Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine?

9) How would Ayurveda shape the way Indian think about their body in health and illness?

10) How are traditional African perception regarding health and illness affecting the spread of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique?

11) When developing HIV/AIDS programming in African, why should the community always be involve? Should traditional healer also play a role?

12) When should public health professionals try to change traditional African culture and belief s and when should they not?

13) What characteristic surrounding the Grisi siknis illness makes it a culture bound syndrome?

14) AS public health professional, how would address the prevention of this illness?

15) What perception regarding health and illness are leading the Miskito Indian to be affected by grisi siknis?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1) How is the Guarani culture contributed to the spread of Chagas disease?
Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Tripanosoma cruzi, with the vinchuca kssing bug the disease vector. The Gurani housing conditions increase infestations from the parasiteswhich depend on human blood or that of warm blooded animals (Verdú, & Ruiz, 2002). The vinchucas excrement can be found in the walls of houses constructed using mud, palm leaves, straw as well as logs (Verdú & Ruiz, 2002).
Verdú, J., & Ruiz, M. (2002). Fighting against Chagas' disease in the Guarani communities in Bolivia. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 56(6), 403. HYPERLINK "/pmc/articles/PMC1732175/pdf/v056p00403.pdf" /pmc/articles/PMC1732175/pdf/v056p00403.pdf
2) As a public health professional, what key steps would need to be taken to address barriers in preventing chagas disease while still preserving important practices of their culture?
Relying on a cross cultural view to understand the relationship between health workers and the Gurani people is necessary (Dell’Arcipret et al., 2014). Enlisting the services of translators is also vital as this will likely build trust with the people. In any case, relying on effective communication incorporates the culture of the Guaraní, to help reduce infestation in their homes.
Dell’Arciprete, A., Braunstein, J., Touris, C., Dinardi, G., Llovet, I., & Sosa-Estani, S. (2014). Cultural barriers to effective communication between Indigenous communities and health care providers in Northern Argentina: an anthropological contribution to Chagas disease prevention and control. International journal for equity in health, 13(1), 6. HYPERLINK "/pmc/articles/PMC3909457/" /pmc/articles/PMC3909457/
3) What challenges could public health professional confront when working on public health project with indigenous populations like Guaraní? The language barrier and misunderstandings resulting from differences in cultural beliefs means that the Guaraní and other indigenous people are likely to reject conventional medicine. The ideas of prevention and control of disease may also be unfamiliar and would be seen as foreign by the indigenous communities.
1) What are some key components of TCM that are different than westernize medicine  The complementary and alternative medicines under TCM are mostly utilized based on the idea of Yangsheng which means nurturing life, where there is a need to maintain harmonious balance in one’s life and this includes proper diet (Kong & Hsieh, 2012). Acupuncture and herbal medicines are often utilized regardless of the safety of procedures, with TCM vital for passing down health information to each generation.
Kong, H., & Hsieh, E. (2012). The social meanings of traditional Chinese medicine: Elderly Chinese immigrants' health practice in the United States. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14(5), 841-9. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10903-011-9558-2
2) Why would it be difficult to collect scientific evidence to show the effectiveness of TCM? There is no standard protocol for which to test the effectiveness of TCM as there are different approaches to treating a condition/ illness. As such, the methodology to assess the validity of TCM is not well established since even scientific trials typically may fail to link specific benefits of TCM ingredients.
3) How many traditional Chinese views of the body and illness clash with modern medicine? In traditional Chinese medicine disharmony between the body and the environment is through to cause illness, and there are diverse techniques to correct the imbalance (China Institute., n.d.). On the other hand, western medicine relies on scientific data following clinical trials to understand healing and illness progression.
China Institute. Com, n.d.). Ancient paths/Modern practice. HYPERLINK "/aboutus.cfm?ID=105&PID=103&siteID=1" /aboutus.cfm?ID=10...
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