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Annotated Bibliography Nursing Scholarly Articles

Essay Instructions:

Identify 5 peer-reviewed Nursing scholarly articles. Please no books.

Annotated bibliography for the articles. The articles must relate to motivating individuals, teams, and the organization toward change in the medical surgical ward. Med-Surg. 

It is important that the articles chosen have all components as mentioned. 

Thank you!

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Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Frykman, M., Hasson, H., Athlin, Å. M., Thiele Schwarz, U. (2014). “ HYPERLINK "http://0-web.a.ebscohost.com.alice.dvc.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bZMsKy2T7Ok63nn5Kx95uXxjL6qrUqypbBIr6ueUbipsVKwrp5Zy5zyit%2fk8Xnh6ueH7N%2fiVa%2bpsFCwqbVMtaqkhN%2fk5VXj5KR84LPfiOac8nnls79mpNfsVbesrky3qrZIpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4114" \o "Functions of behavior change interventions when implementing multi-professional teamwork at an emergency department: a comparative case study. " Functions of behavior change interventions when implementing multi-professional teamwork at an emergency department: a comparative case study.” BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), p1-25. 25p. 2 Diagrams, 1 Graph. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-218.
The authors of this article categorically states that there are many advantages of working in a multi-professional work teams in a hospital set up, although its implementation is complex and difficult. It is recommended that health care institutions should have strategies that implement multiple changes in ethics among the staffs. The article emphasizes that team work is essential in ensuring that quality care is offered to patients. It is also empirical to encourage team work in the wards (medical–surgical), in order to improve care and implement changes. The authors affirm that team work in the clinical set ups has been shown to improve the outcome and safety of patients. Many studies have shown that training and education of teams in the hospital is important in execution of change. However, this does not result to a lasting change and, therefore, other interventions should be combined including support of management, staff training, and physical alterations in the wards (medical-surgical).
Salmela, S., Eriksson, K., Fagerström, L. (2012). “Leading change: a three-dimensional model of nurse leaders' main tasks and roles during a change process.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(2), p423-433. 11p. 1 Diagram, 4 Charts. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05802.x.
This article gives a clear description of the role of nurse leaders in implementation of change in a hospital set up. It emphasizes that leaders in wards should act as the role models in impacting culture change and ethical behavior of other staffs. The leaders would need direction on how to motivate other staffs for effective implementation of change in the ward. The leader should play varied roles such as motivating, supporting, guiding, directing and proper communication with other staffs to be able to change the culture of the ward. The authors explain how the management, who form a great part of nurse leaders, will use the resources that are available to implement change. The implication of the study concludes that nurse leaders or leaders in a surgical ward needs to be guided by the senior management team on their tasks when a change process is taking place. The article concludes by stressing that nurse leaders play a great role when change process is taking place in the wards especially when it comes to culture change.
Desai, T., Caldwell, G., Herring, R. (2011). “Initiative to change ward culture results in better patient care.” Nursing Management – UK, 18(4), p32-35. 4p. 2 Color Photographs, 1 Chart.
In this article, the authors concentrate on ward rounds where doctors and nurses are involved. The article des...
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