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Nursing Assignemnt: Proposal Development Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a proposal paper (1,250-1,500 words) for a major change project that you would like to lead.
Identify a health care issue that interests you and explain why.
Develop a rationale using evidence-based research, including:
1.The background
2.Statistical findings
3.Probable stakeholders
4.Logical conclusions
Design an implementation plan for the project, including:
1.A communications plan
2.Creation of a design and implementation team by roles

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Improvement of Home Health Care Nursing in Remote Areas
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Improvement of Home Care Nursing in Remote Areas
Background Information
Home Health Care Nursing refers to the delivery of specialized medical-related nursing care services in a home health care settings under the direction of physicians. The services ranges from caregivers services, home healthcare nurse to home health aide, and includes respite care, home therapies and intermittent care. While this speciality has been exiting in the history of American nursing, it has not been fully implemented especially in the small towns within the USA. In others words, the US home health care is at crossroads. Although the service is rooted in the history of nursing where home nursing care involved only nurse visits, it never involved patient planning’s and execution of care in their homes (Ellenbecker, Samia, Cushman, & Alster, 2011). There is a major concern as the American home care nursing care delivery has it include the essential practices of home care work because it j has placed more attention on hospital-focused care, curative trainings and centred diseases. Additionally, it is noticeable that today’s nursing training and education curriculum places little focus on individualities and concepts of and necessary details for home care nursing. The trend in current home care nursing has failed to match and serve the increasing growth in the elderly and the disabled people in the American population (Ellenbecker, Samia, Cushman, & Alster, 2011). Relatedly, the needy demography are increasing at the same time where patients, health care providers and payers are seeking for approaches to combat the soaring healthcare cost. The inefficiency in the home care service livery has hampered its primary objectives that are to promote patients optimal level of care and well-being, reducing unnecessary long hospital stays, and assisting patients to live with freedom (Home Healthcare, 2015). Therefore, the gaps existing the existing home care nursing program in America, it is worth nothing that service needs upgrade in terms of quality, availability and affordability particularly in the rural areas and undeserved urban areas.
Statistical Findings
According to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately 8 million elderly and disabled people are need of home care service and they are only served by 8090 private home care service. However, a report by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Program revealed that only 3.4 million people received ended care between the year 2013 and 2014 (National Association for Home Care, 2010). Similarly, there are serious concerns in the Federal health policies concerning the existing home health care benefit plans, which only supports 3 million beneficiaries annually and accounts for approximately 15 billion per year (National Association for Home Care, 2010).The eligibility consideration for home care medical reimbursement are set such that the no physician consent is employed to determine the patient deemed medically necessary to receive Medicare home benefit, hence limiting many potential beneficiaries. For these reason, the private home care agencies have capitalized on the inefficiency of federal healthcare. CDC report revealed that at least 65% of home care service delivery came from profit oriented hospices, nursing homes and home health agencies against the 35% from nonprofit providers. The profit making home care agencies only captures the upper class citizen leaving out millions of potential beneficiaries with low incomes and poor elderly people. Additionally, health spending on home care services by private payers continue to increase due to the exploitation from private providers (L, M, & Park-Lee E, 2016). According to CDC, there are 12, 400 Federal home care providers against the 30,200 private home health agencies. Relatedly, 90% of home-bounded patients with illnesses such as injury and poisoning, respiratory diseases, heart disease and circulatory diseases were rather placed in a hospital-based care without consent (L, M, & Park-Lee E, 2016). According to AARP, the elderly patients and people with disability, many strongly prefer independent living In their homes to staying in nursing home even if they need more hours of medical care. Th...
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