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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Medicine Research Assignemnt Discussing End-of-Life Care

Essay Instructions:

Case Study 1

Mrs. Sloan, a 69-year-old widow, is about to enter the hospital for an elective cholecystectomy; she is being medically cleared by her primary care provider. During the discussion, she requests to be placed on a no code status during her hospitalization. Mrs. Sloan claims that besides her gallbladder problem, her general health status is good. She wishes to have the surgery to avoid any further attacks, which have been very painful. She states, however, that if during surgery or her postoperative period, she undergoes a cardiac arrest, she would prefer not to be resuscitated. She has read about the chances of successful resuscitation, and has determined that the risk of brain damage is too high. For this reason, she is requesting a no code status

Post an explanation of the role of the advanced practice nurse in facilitating the discussion of end-of-life care with patients and their families. Explain how you would approach a family who wants

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussing End-Of-Life Care
Case Study on Discussing End-Of-Life Care
Case Study of Mrs. Sloan
The paper evaluates a case of Mrs. Sloan, who is quite an aged widow with 69 years of age. The hospital diagnosed her with a gallbladder problem, where the hospital personnel opt for her to have an elective cholecystectomy process. Paramedics define cholecystectomy as a clinical process, which aims at removing one’s gallbladder for medical reasons. Mrs. Sloan is under medical clearance from the hospital. As they discussed, Mrs. Sloan requested a placement on a no code status while she was still in the hospital. She claimed that other than her problem that affected her gallbladder, she had a number of health problems in general. The patient desires to have a surgical treatment to avoid any further pain that cause her huge discomfort. She further requests that in a case in the surgery or on her operation time she suffers from cardiac arrest, she would not desire resuscitation. She thinks the process is quite risky. Based on the above reason, she is had to request for a no code status.
My Approach
If I were the one in charge of the situation, I would have used the approach below. I would ensure that all the requests made by the patient Mrs. Sloan are followed to the later. The reason behind the argument is that patients have a right to choose their preferable treatment (Yung, V. et al., 2011). The reason behind the argument is that if the health providers permit latitude to patients to choose their best medication, the treatment process is inclusive to both patients and health providers, enhancing...
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