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6-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Draft of Study Design

Essay Instructions:

Overview: Now that you have solidified your study question and hypothesis, you will choose a study design for the final project and consider potential
interventions. If you have any questions, be sure to post them to the General Questions forum.
Because this is a draft of Section III of the final project, you will notice that the critical elements and the rubric are the same as the final project, but with slight
differences. Tips for tackling each critical element are included below each element.
Prompt: Write a draft of Section III of the final project. Address the following critical elements in your short paper:
III. Epidemiology Study Design Proposal: In this section, you will choose an analytic epidemiological study design from those covered in this class, to be used
to answer your research question and examine the hypothesis. Keep in mind this is not expected to be a complete research design, which would also
include a sampling strategy, a measurement strategy, and statistical methods for the study.
a) Select the most appropriate analytic epidemiological study design to research your study question, explaining why you feel it is most
appropriate) How will you use your selected study design to identify patterns, causes, and effects of health condition for the affected population of your
study? Are there any limitations of the study design?
Select an appropriate measure of association (e.g., odds ratio, relative risk) based on your chosen analytic epidemiological study design. Why is this measure of association appropriate?
Determine potential interventions for solving the public health issue for the specified population and/or community based on the epidemiological practices you have used. Be sure to cite scientific resources that support your response. You are not expected to determine the solution for the identified issue, but instead, consider strategies that may help solve the issue based on your knowledge from this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Project Draft
Analytic Epidemiological Study Design
The most appropriate epidemiological study design for this study will be cohort studies. A cohort study adopts a group of individuals in an epidemiological study who are followed over time and assess what happens to them, that is, their health outcomes (M. H & Moll, 2016). Cohort study design is appropriate for this study because it tracks the study population from the time they are health until when the health condition pops up.
How Cohort Will Be Used To Identify Patterns, Causes and Effects of Health Condition on the School Children
The study design will select two groups, one consisting of children who go to school by bus and the other one comprising those who cycle to school. The patterns in tendency of obesity shall be tracked in the two groups so as to identify if lack of exercise limited by the bus causes obesity among the children as opposed to cycling and encouraging more exercise. The limitation of cohort studies is that one has to follow a large group of participants for a long time.
Measure of Association
The most appropriate measure of association to be used in the study is odds ratio ...
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