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Chapters 43 through A Final Word: The Skinny on Obesity

Essay Instructions:

Read Kessler text: Chapters 43 through A Final Word
Watch: The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes and Sugar: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=CWnbMnnLo5w
The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Diet and Lifestyle Tips: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=wKkBs pBRwA
Based on all of the readings, videos, select 3 of the following 5 questions to answer:
1.    Define and explain the concepts "personal problem” and "social problem.” Explain how the social problems framework can be applied to the obesity epidemic. In other words, explain the obesity epidemic using the social problems framework.
2.    Identify, describe, and explain all of the changes that we, as individuals, can make internally to take control of our eating, overeating, and related issues.
3.    Identify and explain all of the external changes that could be made to the food industry to help reduce the obesity epidemic.
4.    With regard to obesity, identify and explain the social arrangements interpreted as unjust and articulate the implications for social policy and action.
5.    Identify and articulate the ethical principles in the context of a specific social problem (in this case, the obesity epidemic), and describe how they can help formulate social policy or research.
Write an 800 word paper to address the questions above. You are required to cite your sources in the body of your text properly, include a reference page, and use APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. Define and explain the concepts “personal problem” and “social problem.” Explain how the social problems framework can be applied to the obesity epidemic. In other words, explain the obesity epidemic using the social problems framework.
In the social environment, there is a line where the social problems start and where the persons ones begin. When it comes to s social problem, this is largely associated with the individual and their perspective towards themselves in relation to the society (Kontekova, 2015). One may have a problem that they consider to be a nuisance relative to the fact that they are comparing themselves to the society standards set out. Other than that, there are personal struggles that the person will endure as an individual, which are defined within their personal space. Personal problems are in most of the cases, laid in the most deeper parts of the person’s life, such that, the rest of the people around them may not even note. In the case of the social problem, this is a situation that affects more than the individual. Rather it is a problem that affects the rest of the people in the society as a collective element. Obesity is one of the problems that has a social element to it ("Obesity Is Personal, Not Public Health Problem", 2017). When considered under the social problem framework, obesity is an epidemic that is affecting the social systems such as welfare and health provision. Given that, obesity is a health risk, it affects the individuals and the people around that person, whether at home, at work or anywhere else such as school. Relative the health burden impacts the epidemic has on the health system, this is a social problem (Bandorio, 2011). The government and the families to the obese have to make adjustments for the financial and social burden the disease has on them (Kontekova, 2015). Families significantly spend more on their obese members than they would normally do on a health ones and the risks of losing such members further complicates their structure (Obesity Is Personal, Not Public Health Problem, 2017). This is the case relative to emotional burden that will have on the family and further, relative to the gap left behind if the person was a breadwinner.
2. Identify, describe, and explain all of the changes that we, as individuals, can make internally to take control of our eating, overeating, and related issues.
While the environment affects how people eat and they are able to control their weight, there is an individual approach to the situation. This is relative to the fact that obesity is both caused by their personal habits and the environment. At the personal level, one of the most crucial approach is controlling overeating (Module Notes: Food Rehab, Part II and the End of Overeating, n.d.). To make sure that one does not overeat, it is important to have a schedule, where one eats only three m...
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