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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Professionalism and Spiritual Principles to Redress LGBTQI Vulnerability and Health Risks

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer, this is a part of assignment for Primary Health Care of Childbearing Family in MSN Family Nurse Practitioner curriculum.
There is LGBT Power point contents that will be attached.
Please review slides and write two pages paper on how vulnerable this population is and how we should deliver care based on professionalism and spiritual principles as a Christian practitioner.
So, main contents will be three that should include 1. vulnerability of LGBTQI population, 2. ways that care should be provided-professionalism, 3. ways that care should be provided-spiritual care principles. please do not forget to write an introduction and conclusion.
Vulnerability of LGBTQI population 4
Ways that Care should be provided- Professionalism 4
Ways that Care should be provided – Spiritual care principles 4
No recurrent grammar issues, scholarship evident (citations), writing is clear 3
Thank you for your help

Essay Sample Content Preview:

LGBT Summary
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LGBT Summary
Human sexuality is a way individuals display their sexual feelings, thoughts, and behaviors towards other people. Notably, sexuality is an integral part of an individual as it is characterized by diversity and personality. Sexuality is as simple as the way a person can find others physically, sexually, or emotionally attractive, making it an enriching aspect of lining as a human being (WHO, 2006). Despite the various rights that exist to protect sexual orientations, the members of the LGBTQI community are greatly stigmatized, curtailing their feelings towards LGBT persons. Therefore, the vulnerability of the LGBTQI population exposes them to sexual health risks that would need professionalism and spiritual principles to redress.
Vulnerability of LGBTQI Population
Members of the LGBTQI population find it challenging to assimilate to a different culture, especially when they know the difference between their culture and the newly found culture. Ward & Rana-Deuba (2008) link the healthcare disparities LGBT persons face to discrimination, social stigma, and denial of their civil rights. Furthermore, discrimination against LGBTQI persons is associated with substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, and low self-esteem. Undoubtedly, LGBT persons are susceptible to adverse health outcomes, homosexuality, fertility issues, and domestic violence. That said, the mental health and personal safety of LGBT persons are greatly influenced by the individual, family, and social acceptance of their sexual orientation. As part of this work, there is a need for a professional and spiritual guide to help members of the LGBTQI community feel safe.
The vulnerability of members of the LGBT community exposes them to severe health risks that need professional attention to remedy. They are often victimized for violence, discriminated against, and stigmatized, leading to acculturation stress. Because they are marginalized and m...
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