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Policy Hierarchy to Encourage Power Distribution Across All Organization Levels

Essay Instructions:

Review your leadership structure, and identify the process by which you can propose a policy change and how that proposal would navigate through leadership to get approved.
Identify a policy in your organization that you think could be created or amended to improve organizational governance, operations, or compliance with federal or state regulations.
Write a paper that outlines your policy proposal ideas in which you do all of the following:
-Provide an analysis of how your policy change would improve the organization.
-Evaluate what changes in the organization would need to be made to implement the policy change.
-Explain how you would advocate for your policy change while using the approval processes in your organization.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Proposal
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Policy Proposal
Every organization has an active leadership structure to ensure that all organizational activities are operating smoothly. A leadership structure facilitates the flow of information from the senior rank to the junior employees, depending on the hierarchy. It also determines how things work within the company, and it is a fundamental measure of accountability and authority. The structure gives guidelines and provisions the employees and leaders need to follow. Organizational structures exist in two types: - hierarchical and non-hierarchical or flat structure. A hierarchical structure resembles a pyramid, where authority cascades down from a top manager to different management and supervision levels (Hoch & Kozlowski, 2014). In contrast, non-hierarchical leadership flattens the pyramid to form a decentralized power within the organization (Spencer & Muchnick, 2015). However, the choice of leadership depends on the type of organization.
Review of the Leadership Structure
This assignment focuses on a healthcare organization that values hierarchical leadership in which the top management directs authority to the bottom staff. In this case, the organization’s Chief Executive Officer is the overall manager. This leadership structure centralizes power at the highest levels possible. Instead of making decisions on big-picture issues, the CEO has been caught up in daily operations, making decisions on matters that are best left for employees closer to the situation. It has prompted an authoritative leadership in the facility. The Organization’s CEO feels he has all the power to control the employees and make decisions on their behalf without consulting them. This leadership style has called for a policy change to promote informed choices and employee participation in decision-making.
Proposed Policy
The proposed policy change is a policy hierarchy that encourages power distribution across all organization levels. Power is often defined as the capacity to make changes. Based on this definition, it makes sense that the organization should allocate this capacity to a certain level. This policy intends to allow the CEO to make critical organization-wide decisions not unilaterally but collaboratively within his senior team. Each manager will be required to delegate responsibilities to those who report to them. Each employee will be accorded a decision-making power within their job framework.
How the Policy Change would Improve the Organization
This policy change will enhance a participation form of leadership structure, which will reduce organizational change resistance. When employees are given autonomy and authority, they become more productive and content (Vecchio et al., 2010). This improves organizational performance and productivity. Studies show ...
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