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Process Recording for Migraine Headaches

Essay Instructions:

A.  Complete the process recording, using the attached “Process Recording Template,” by doing the following:

1.  Complete the “Client Information” section of the attached “Process Recording Template” by doing the following:

a.  Complete items 1–3 in the “Client Information” section.

Note: All process recordings should maintain client confidentiality and should use pseudonyms for client names. 

b.  Explain the purpose of the face-to-face conversation with a client in your field experience, including goals and objectives you had in meeting with this client for this session.

c.  Describe the client’s primary concern(s).

d.  Describe the client’s behaviors and their effect on your communication style.

e.  Describe the client’s affect.

f.   Describe health challenges the client is experiencing.

g.  Describe cultural factors of the client and their influence on the care planning process. If none are apparent, provide a description of possible cultural factors for a different population the field experience agency serves and the influence those cultural factors have on the care planning process.

2.  Complete the “Conversation Content,” “Client’s Feelings,” and “Your Reaction and Feelings” columns in the “Conversation Log” table in the attached “Process Recording Template.”

Note: Recreate the dialogue as accurately as you can remember in the “Conversation Content” column of the table.

3.  omplete the “Analysis” column of the “Conversation Log” table in the attached “Process Recording Template” by doing the following:

a.  Analyze your interaction with the client, including whether you should have handled the conversation differently.

i.  Provide three citations from scholarly resources to support your analysis of the interaction.

b.  Describe your conversational style.

c.  Describe an intervention strategy you used in the conversation and why you chose it.

i.  Evaluate the efficacy of your chosen intervention strategy.

4.  Complete the “Biopsychosocial Assessment” section in the attached “Process Recording Template.” If you are unable to complete an area of the assessment, explain why the information is not included.

Note: ou may not be able to complete all areas of the assessment. 

B.  After completing the process recording, write a brief reflection (suggested length of 2–3 pages) on the steps, analysis, experience, and follow-up considerations of completing the process recording by doing the following:

1.  Discuss areas in which you would have changed the conversation to build rapport and improve client health outcomes had you asked a different question.

2.  Evaluate whether your conversational style was effective in working with the client.

3.  Describe any social determinants of health that affected the client’s ability to meaningfully engage in the treatment planning process.

4.  Describe any community resources in the location you completed your field experience that could be utilized to help the client achieve better health outcomes.

C.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Process Recording
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Process Recording
Client Information:
1 Client's Pseudonym: SA
2 Client's Age (Note: Do not use a minor.): 30
3 Conversation Date (month/day/year): 03/09/2022
4 Purpose of the Conversation (Note: Include goals and objectives you had in meeting with this client for this session.):
The purpose of the conversation was to engage the client who had issues addressing his complex condition on migraines. It was meant to gauge the client to identify the specific direction to resolve his condition. Besides, it was also meant to identify the source of migraine and the impacts on mental health. The key goals and objectives were to promote dietary changes, and the dietary changes were meant to decrease the intake of known foods that increase migraine. Therefore, was conversation was vital for helping SA provide adequate information for successful intervention.
5 Client's Primary Concern(s): migraine headaches
The client's primary concern is the increased migraine headache he noticed a couple of months ago. The client described specific signs of migraines that inhibit him from engaging in specific activities and affect him occupationally. Migraine is a critical condition that causes severe pulse sensation and throbbing pain. The client claimed that the pain is on one side of the brain. Some of the signs that the client provided align with migraines. For instance, the client is highly sensitive to sound and light and records instances of vomiting. Lastly, he also experiences nausea. Therefore, based on the provided signs by the client, the major problem is migraine.
6 Client's Behaviors and their Effect on Your Communication Style: Receptive client
The client was receptive and committed to the conversation. Different signs from the client showed that she is receptive. For instance, the client followed instructions without signs of resistance. He also answered questions perfectly and was very keen when answering the questions due to the urge to reduce his condition of migraine effects. The client's key verbal behaviors included active listening and formality in responding to the questions. The client's receptive behaviors affected my communication by making me empathetic and polite while addressing his condition. His approach to answering questions was appellant and required a sustainable approach a resourceful and strategic communication style to address his condition.
7 Client's Affect: normal range, appropriate to the context
The client's affect was in the normal range and appropriate context since he positively responded to events. The client did not show some adverse conditions, such as constrictions or irritability. The nature of the client provided me with adequate time to engage him. Besides, I took the opportunity to understand the client's feelings and reactions based on his condition. Therefore, the client's effects were suitable for positive and resourceful conversation.
8 Health Challenges the Client Is Experiencing: headache, phonophobia, photophobia.
The client is facing the typical signs and symptoms of migraine. For instance, a headache is the most typical example of a migraine. Migraine is a critical condition that causes severe pulse sensation and severe pain. The client indicated that the pain is on one side of the brain, which is long-term and inhibits him from participating in normal activities. Phonophobia and photophobia are also key challenges that the client experiences. Phonophobia is a condition of fear of unwarranted, abnormal, or persistent sounds as this interferes with the client's mental stability. Photophobia is the fear of light. The client is highly sensitive to light since it triggers his condition. Therefore, the identified conditions are detrimental to the client's stability and physical health.
9 Cultural Factors Influencing the Care Planning Process: active duty in the military; missing work due to migraines
The major cultural factor is the active work culture of the client. The client is active in the military, which heavily affected the care planning since it was not easy for him to focus on the treatment plan. An active treatment plan requires an individual to consider all instructions and avoid missing any provided information. Besides, missing work due to migraine also adversely impacted the client since he would miss some duties due to his condition. Therefore, work culture was heavily impacted by the client's condition, thus jeopardizing the care plan.
Conversation Log:
Conversation Content
(Note: This may also include client behaviors. Multiple rows are provided for ease of segmenting the conversation into logical sections for analysis. You may add or remove rows as necessary.)

Client's Feelings

Your Reaction and Feelings


The client enters the room (looking gloomy).
Counsellor: Good morning SA, could you please have a seat.
SA: Good morning, sir (Looking sad and stressed)
Counsellor: How are you doing today.
SA: I am not doing very fine; the headache has become extreme.
Counsellor: I am sorry to hear that, SA, any explanations on how the headache impact you.
SA: I feel extreme headaches on one of the sides of the brain and am highly sensitive to other aspects such as sound and light (looks pessimistic).
Counsellor: Does it affect your professional life.
SA: Absolutely, I am a military man, and it jeopardizes my active engagement in the military.
Counsellor: I am empathetic for you but do not worry, I will find a solution for you.
SA: Thank you, sir (Feeling hopeful).
Counsellor: Do you have any history of mental illness.
SA: No (Feeling frustrated)
Counsellor: Do you face any substance abuse.
SA: I do alcohol but occasionally.
Counsellor: I will provide you with specific medication for one week, after which we will meet for the next session in 2 weeks at the same time.
SA: Thank you, sir.

* Sad
* Hopeless
* Gloomy
* Fear

* Empathetic
* Adoration
* Sympathy
* Appreciative for client openness

Interaction with the client
The interaction with the client was based on a wel...
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