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566-w3-J. Work as an NP in a private hospital. Narrative Event

Essay Instructions:


Writing about one's personal experience encourages self-reflection and improves self-awareness. In this activity students are invited to reflect, in writing, on their experiences related to managing clinical risks for patients. Students to write about an event they observed or were involved in during their nursing profession that they feel might have placed a patient at risk. Alternatively, students may want to write about an event that occurred to them as recipients of healthcare, or as an observer to their friends' or family members' experiences. The event may be one that they feel related to any of anticipation, recognition, or management of a patient safety risk. Safe patient care and reducing medical-legal risk requires nurse practitioners to be aware of potential risks and how to avoid them.The narrative should include:• a description of the event• an explanation of how this event placed a patient at risk• the student's reflections on the event including:• if and how the event was recognized• why and how the event occurred, for example, was the event due to• action or inaction by an individual healthcare provider• system failure(s)• a combination of systems failure(s) and individual provider performance issues• what changes or improvements they would make, if any• how they felt at the time• how they currently feel about the even• Were you personally involved in the event? Discuss.• What, if any, workplace factors contributed to the event? (e.g., Was it during a handover? Did it involve a medication?)• How aware was the healthcare provider(s) of what was going on around them? (situational awareness)• How did the health care provider(s) recognize the safety problem, and how did they respond?• How did this event affect you?• What did you take away that you will use in the future?• I would do something differently next time because Writing Requirements:Before finalizing your work, you should:• be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);• consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and• utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.Your writing Assignment should:• follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);• be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;• display superior content, organization, style; and• Use APA 6th Edition format as outlined. Write 2 pages, 3 references within 3 years. (no Wikipedia or MD web sources). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Narrative Event
Author`s Name
Institution Affiliation
I work as an NP in a private hospital. It is one of the best medical centers in the city, where no case of medical negligence has ever been found. However, the one thing I dislike about this hospital is that new patients are asked to stand in long queues and to pay admission fees before they could be directed to respective departments for treatment. The previous month, I was doing night duty when I saw an old woman bringing her son to the hospital. He was lying on a stretcher and looked too serious to me. Instead of helping the old woman bring his son to the emergency department, a nurse forced the lady to pay the admission fee. She asked her to stand in the queue of females, and it took the old woman up to three hours to pay the admission fee and to bring his subconscious son to the doctor for treatment purposes.
From this incident, I learned that paying the admission fee is not as compulsory as saving the life of an ill. It was good if the doctor had started the treatment, and in the meanwhile, the old lady had made the payment. It was a clear case of medical negligence, and that nurse who pushed the old woman to the reception for making the payment should be punished. The patient was crying while his hopeless and helpless mother was standing in the queue, and it is regrettable that no one from the staff came forward to help them.
Although I love working in this hospital, I would like to request the management to not deal with patients and their famil...
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