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Health Promotion: The Role of Theory and the Ecological Perspective

Essay Instructions:

Define theory in your own words and explain why it is important to use theory in planning, implementing, and evaluatig Health Promotion Programs. How do behaviro and the environment influence health and how does health promotion take both into account? Briefly descrbe three theories used in health promotion. What is the ecological perspective in health promotion?

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Health Promotion: The Role of Theory and the Ecological Perspective
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Health Promotion
It was three decades ago that a transformation came in traditional dealing of major public health issues, brought by the World Health Organization (WHO) Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. This change from standard health education to modern health promotion was facilitated by environmental interventions and more comprehensive policies (Nutbeam, 2018). In this paper, we will discuss factors affecting health promotion and the relevant theories.
Role of Theory in Health Promotion Programs
A theory is a generalized concept built to answer a researcher queries, in any area, generated from multiple reproducible, repeatable experiments that gave reliable and validated results in all settings. A health promotion program means a set of interventions or activities that are developed to attain a particular health care result. Theories are thus used to evaluate how a specific health-care program works to generate its intended effects (Breuer, Lee, De Silva & Lund, 2015). However, before evaluation, it is the unambiguous theories upon which any health promotion intervention is planned and implemented.
Impact of Environment and Behaviors on Health
There is growing evidence that our surroundings potentially impact our health and behaviors related to health. For instance, low-income populations of US living in particular geographical areas tend to live long as compared to those low-income populations living in other areas of U.S. This difference is attributable to both individual health behaviors (smoking and obesity) and area-level aspects such as government expenditures and a population of immigrants. The focus of health promotions plan is to bring a change in the health context on both individual and community level. The planning agendas of health promotion plan such as an intervention mapping help in looking into multiple aspects of the environment to design health intervention. It comprises those environmental concerns that impact a particular health condition and ultimately affect the health of the population (Springer, Evans, Ortuño, Salvo & Varela Arévalo, 2017). Therefore, with the help of environmental agents such as certain environmental changing methods, the health and health behav...
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