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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies

Essay Instructions:
Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies. Instructions: As a registered professional nurse, you have been asked to develop a program for the local Asian American community that focuses on primary and secondary prevention strategies for colorectal cancer. To complete this assignment you must write a 2 page paper using size 12 font and double spacing that includes the following: 1. Primary and secondary prevention strategies for colorectal cancer. 2. Evidence supporting the recommendations for the prevention strategies for colorectal cancer. 3. Strategies include cultural preferences of the Asian American population. 4. Citation for resource(s) using APA format. You may find the following resources helpful: -Intercultural Cancer Council: Cancer Fact Sheets. -Patient and Family Education Services. -The Provider's Guide to Quality and Culture
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies for colorectal cancer Name Institution Affiliation Course Dateof Submission Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most diagnosed cancer among Asian Americans with the third highest cancer related mortality. This is due to disparities in the burden of cancer overreaching the theme of American Cancer Society challenge. Race and ethnicity coupled with social economic factors such as education poverty and lack of health insurance play an important role with respect to biological differences. The reduction of CRC among Asian Americans through application of both primary and secondary strategies will enable increased survival for among the Asian American who are social economically disadvantaged people in comparison to the general population (Ward, et al., 2004). There is a need to develop a program that focuses on prevention strategies of CRC that include the cultural practices of this group to enhance reduced CRC rate in the population. The primary strategies for prevention of CRC includes treatment of Helicobacter pylori which is main cause of this cancer type to all immigrant since pylori infection is from country of origin. The social economic status is another risk factor that varies with ethnicity. Smoking lack of physical activities and obesity contribute to CRC infection (Ward, et al., 2004). The level of smoking varies with level of education with most smokers having completed high school. There is a need to promote and educate people regarding the risk of smoking. Lack of physical activities contributes largely to development of obesity which is a predisposing factor for some forms of cancer. The program has to increase education on the importance of having clinical screens for CRC to minority groups. This is because majority of them have no insurance due to their low social economic status. In educating Asian American regarding CRC cultural competence must be considered as it mediates their health status. This denotes the care to be provided to avoid stereoty...
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