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International Agency

Essay Instructions:
For the final essay you need to pick an international agency - use the definition in the first lecture(international agencies are Organizations that are not based in a single country/run by a single governmentand/orWork/function in health care (broadly defined) in multiple locations around the world). Then describe how that agency works in the health care sector - you can either pick a specific instance where that agency has played a role (e.g., MSF in the Dadaab refugee camp) or you can describe in general what the agency does. Then you need to analyze the activities of the agency - what is its motivation for taking action, has it been successful or not been successful, what are its strengths and weaknesses, where does it get its money and how does that influence what it does, how is it controlled (you don't necessarily have to look at all of these things) The final paper will be expected to be 2000 words and should demonstrate the ability to apply the material learned in this course plus the use of relevant secondary literature to analyze a topic related to how an international agency works. Marks will be deducted if the paper is either shorter than 1850 words or longer than 2150 words. The word count is only for the text, i.e., does not include the references. For each 50 words or part thereof outside this limit 5 marks (out of 100) will be deducted, e.g., if the essay is 2190 words 5 marks will be deducted, if the essay is 2230 words 10 marks will be deducted. If you want to submit a copy of your essay in advance I will read it and give you detailed comments. You can then use those comments to make changes to your essay. Essay structure: An analytic paper is not just a description of what an international agency does. It needs to critically analyze what the agency does. Some of the areas that you might want to focus on are the strengths and weaknesses of its actions, who benefits from what the agency does, where does it get its money and does the source of its money affect what it does or doesn't do, how does it decide on its priorities, who makes the decisions. If you use too many direct quotes, even if these quotes are properly attributed (see ACADEMIC HONESTY below) it will be hard to evaluate your writing style and whether or not you understand the material you are quoting. Too many direct quotes will therefore lead to a lower mark on your essay. In a 5 page essay there should not be more than a total of about one-half page of direct quotes. Your essay MUST contain a minimum of 5 academic references. Newspaper and magazine articles may also be used but they are not considered academic material. Wikipedia is not considered an academic source. Formatting requirements: - Use subheadings - All papers must be submitted to TURNITIN. Instructions on how to do this are in this course outline - Title page with the following 1) title of the paper; 2) your name; 3) my name; 4) course title; 5) date of submission; 6) word count - Printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper - 12 point font - Double spaced - 1 inch margins - Spell-checked PAPERS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO THESE GUIDELINES WILL AUTOMATICALLY LOSE 5 MARKS Marking System for essays: 1. Style (20 marks) 1. Writing style: ➢ Fluent writing, sentence structure, syntax ➢ Awkward writing, diction, idion 2. Grammar/spelling ➢ Good ➢ Weak 3. Length ➢ Suggested ➢ Under (more than 500 words less than required) 4. Readability ➢ Clear ➢ Difficult to follow 5. Reference style ➢ Correct use of APA or other recognized reference style ➢ Incorrect use of APA or other recognized reference style 2. Organization (20 marks) 1. Paragraph structure ➢ Coherent construction, logical progression ➢ Incoherent, doesn't finish thoughts in paragraph 2. Development of argument ➢ Argument logically developed ➢ Lacks continuity, clarity, unity, flow 3. References ➢ References properly inserted in text to support points made 3. Originality of thinking (20 marks) 1. Overall analysis of issue ➢ Goes beyond simple presentation of material to synthesizing what has been presented ➢ Simply repeats conclusions of others 2. Integration of source material ➢ Integrates source material into coherent whole ➢ Source material presented as isolated facts 4. Content (40 marks) 1. Acknowledgement of sources ➢ Adequate acknowledgement of sources ➢ Inadequate acknowledgement of sources 2. Use of secondary sources ➢ Secondary material from multiple sources (books, journals, web sites) ➢ Secondary material from single source 3. Examination of topic ➢ Amount of content permits in depth examination of topic ➢ Amount of content permits superficial examination of topic TIPS FOR WRITNG AN ACADEMIC ESSAY 1. Start your essay by saying what the topic is. 2. Around the end of the first paragraph you should say what specific areas related to your topic that you want to cover in your essay. 3. If you are using non-Canadian material make sure you say why you think that it's relevant to Canada. 4. If you are using older material (generally more than 10 years old) make sure you say why you think that it's still relevant today. 5. If you are not confident in your writing ability then have a friend (or someone in your family) who you think is a good writer read over your essay before you hand it in. 6. If you don't know anyone who is a good writer then use the writing centre. Remember it gets busy late in the term and you'll need to make an appointment early. 7. Don't write page long paragraphs. Each paragraph should be about one idea. If you switch ideas start a new paragraph. 8. Essays do NOT contain long bullet point lists. Essays are written in paragraph form. 9. In general no more than about 10% of your essay should be direct quotes. Too many direct quotes make it difficult to know if you understand the material and your writing style can't be evaluated. Too many quotes will lose you marks. 10. If you are writing an essay about a policy issue then it's not enough just to describe a problem. You need to critically assess why this is an important issue and what can be done about it. 11. If you are searching databases, phrases more than about 3 or 4 words are very unlikely to return many, if any, results. Instead of one long phrase break it up; e.g., instead of “the effects of public-private partnerships on hospitals costs” use “public-private partnerships” AND “hospital costs”. If this combination of terms doesn't give you what you want then you can substitute something for “hospital costs”, e.g., “hospital expenditures”. 12. Be clear about what types of words and phrases need to start with a capital letter. 13. Word processing programs such as Microsoft Word don't catch all types of spelling mistakes. For example, if you type “there” when you mean “their” Microsoft Word won't identify this as a spelling mistake. READ OVER YOUR ESSAY FOR SPELLING. 14. Essays always look great right after you finish them. Put your essay aside for a couple of days and reread it to make sure it still looks great. 15. Make sure that you understand what an academic reference is. Academic references are generally academic books, chapters in academic books, journal articles and material from official web sites, e.g., the Health Canada web site. Newspaper and magazine articles are not academic references. Wikipedia is not an academic reference. 16. Use references for the points that you make. You don't need a reference if you say something that is common knowledge, e.g., it is 4000 km from Toronto to Vancouver. However, if you say that 51% of the population in Toronto is female compared to 52% in Vancouver you'd need to cite a reference. Any ideas that you get from material you have read need to be referenced. 17. If you don't know how to correctly cite references then look it up the correct style. Don't make up your own style.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution Affiliation
Date of Submission
MSF is an international humanitarian agency that deals with healthcare issues, and was created by journalist and doctors in France in the year 1971. The agency has been providing health care aid to many people in different countries, who are affects by conflict violence, neglect, and malnutrition, exclusion from healthcare and natural disasters. MSF provides its services to all affected people and in dire need of health care services, as an independent and impartial entity. Its operations are carried out during emergencies and after, to provide health care and rehabilitation of health facilities in order to battle epidemics and feeding of malnourished children. The agency also provides sanitation facilities and dispenses clean drinking water since most areas have no such amenities and people are in dire need to improve their livelihood.
All MSF operations are free of any political and religious agendas, and have no any connection to the United Nations body, but they advocate together with the United Nations on common humanitarian and medical care concerns. The operations carried out by MSF are in areas where they find inadequate services to meet the medical needs of a given population (Antonie, et al.). MSF agency has its presence in many countries around the globe particularly in developing countries, with the primary purpose of humanitarian concerns. The objective of this essay is to analyze the activities carried out by MSF with respect to emergence health care.
The core objective of MSF is provision of humanitarian services to save lives, and easing the suffering faced by people in the midst of acute crises. The agency restores the ability of the affected population by rebuilding their lives as they are provided with essential healthcare services (Audet, 2011). MSF conducts its activities in areas that are experiencing armed conflicts, epidemics, malnutrition and natural disasters, in addition to population that are excluded from essential health care services. The role of the agency is essentially focused on provision of clean water and sanitation, food, shelter and health care, as these services are core in mitigating deterioration of refugee settlement.
Structure of MSF
The establishment of MSF mission in a country is determined by the nature of the emergency at hand and the level of safety in a particular refugee camp in order to identify the nature of aid that is needed. The agency has to ensure the mission team has coordinators to head the humanitarian situation of the members and other agencies (Brauman & Tanguy, 1998). These coordinators ensures the analysis of health priority data collected that ensures the cultural background of displacement, and the population of the displaced persons.
The assessment of risk factors related to the main diseases is enhanced, as this ensures that the necessary requirements of both human and material resources are met for the mission to carry out its operations. These measures guarantee the operations of MSF to be effective and efficient in providing humanitarian assistance to the affected persons. Medical volunteers such as physicians, surgeons and nurses operate in medical and nutrition components in the mission, while Logisticians, non-medical volunteers enhance the functioning of the mission by providing all the necessary material needs to the mission. They enhance setting up of health facilities and logistic services to maintain supplies.
Medical component
MSF is largely concerned with providing health services to displaced persons, and therefore, they provide vaccination for communicable diseases such as measles and yellow fever though uncommon, but are prevented through vaccination. The rapid spread of these diseases in refugee camps is evident due to living in close proximity, and this calls for vaccination to prevent any eminent epidemic (MSF, 1998). With respect to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the agency is the largest provider of treatment and education regarding the scourge because opportunistic infections are common in refugee camps due to lack of availability of ARVs.
Hospitals that are within proximity of displacement camps are rehabilitated by MSF through improving of sanitation, provision of drugs and training of local staffs in the hospitals (MSF, Medical Issues, 2013). Only in cases of specialized treatment from endemic diseases and surgery that specialized clinics are initiated, and this initiation of specialized clinics subsequently, increases the ability of local medical staff to run efficiently through training. Psychological support is provided to these people because areas that require MSF have been affected by conflict, natural disaster or endemic diseases to reduce stress among the victims.
Water and sanitation
The top priority given by MSF mission is supply of clean drinking water because poor quality water and lack of proper sanitation increases the degree of epidemics transmission. MSF assesses the existing water sources to ensure temporal use before sinking of wells. It also ensures that drinking water is safe by providing tanks for clean water storage, treatment and distribution to the population as the water quality is enhanced to keep the refugees healthy.
Sanitation is another noteworthy factor in planning managements and disposal of waste in refugee camps (Antonie, et al.). The mechanism of disposing waste and organization of latrines has to conform to the set standards to ensure incidence of diseases and mortality are reduced significantly. Proper sanitation prevent the spread of vector bone diseases, and therefore, the MSF priority is to ensure these measures are adhered to maintain hygiene even after the mission has left the affected areas.
Food and nutrition
The setting up of MSF humanitarian missions is the moderation of malnutrition since the displaced persons are always in dire need for food. Malnutrition is a common phenomenon in refugee camps and largely contributes to deaths ion these camps. Lack of proper nutrients leads to outbreak of deficiency diseases and for this reason, MSF maintains a basic food ration that contains important elements to maintain health among the refugees. MSF assesses the availability and accessibility of food, in addition to it nutritional value so as to benefit individuals at risk from the program (Antonie, et al.). MSF food and nutrition program does not only seek for food needs, but also in regulates the nutrient intake of daily ration. In cases of higher malnutrition level, the feeding programs have advocated for special groups with specific needs to provide supplementary feeding to these vulnerable groups (Horst, 2008).
Site and Shelter
The major factors for transmission of diseases in refugee camps are overcrowding and inadequate shelters in a densely populated camp. MSF has taken the responsibility of shielding people from unfavorable environment through provision of secure living space. The organization of the site facilitates installation of shelters with sufficient space that necessitates infrastructure for providing essential services (Antonie, et al.). The organization in such situations facilitates coordination between the agency and the refugees by enhancing easy assessment of medical needs in anticipation of locally occurring diseases. Control of communicable diseases is improved as any incidence of a particular disease is easily detected and treated. MSF plays a vital role in preventing epidemics because early intervention reduces mortality rate through rapid treatment and mass vaccinations.
Access to Essential Medicare and Drugs
MSF has initiated a campaign that is aimed to increase access to essential drugs and health care to populations that needs these services most. This initiative objective is to ensure availability of essential drugs during its mission, and to increase funding for these drugs. The diseases which are common in developing nations are no longer common in developed nations, and this prompted manufacturers of such drugs to stop producing or decreasing in development of new treatments. This has prompted MSF to go beyond being a healthcare service provider to a human welfare advocate.
People displaced by way of conflict, natural disasters, disease epidemic and exclusion from health care benefit from such services provided by MSF. There are instances where certain groups are excluded from health care because of who they are. This inflicts stigma making this minority groups to be reluctant to seek medical care or are neglected by their health care system (Antonie, et al.). MSF agency has bridged this gap in service provision by making all people from whom they bear responsibility access essential treatments they need. The agency provides medical, social, and mental care to these minority groups affected by their health care negligence by improving access to health care and social acceptance.
The objective of MSF is to provide health care to persons that are in dire need, as they are responsible in protecting human rights and vulnerable groups (Kebede-Francis, 2010). Although there are critics complaining of MSF highlighting the same problems and shortcomings that do not capture novelty and ideas, the agency has endeavored to an innovative spirit by extending humanitarian assistance to persons affected to extreme lengths- a considerable perseverance. The work of MSF in the realm of accountability is not meant to seek new ideas and ways with respects to its operations.
MSF focus is on existing practices, policies and norms, which are concerned with detection and correction of deviations and variances from set living standards, and find ways in which operating procedures can be implemented better to improve these standards. It also focuses on incremental improvements through learning at individual groups. MSF has generated a culture of compliance with humanitarian aid relationship that pushes it to deliver in accordance to the defined goals and targets.
The nature of the world and the value cherished are adversely affected by any occurrence of a humanitarian crisis. This has motivated MSF interests to risk in importing trouble and suffering with the highest explicit cost in case of a crisis to mitigate the suffering of affected population (Kebede-Francis, 2010). The agency has relied on the fundamental principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality to emphasis these interests on others. This is the integral aspect of the agencies action of putting priority to interests of victims to the core of its humanitarian action. The relief provided by the MSF agency has enhanced the relationship between powers, since it re...
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