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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Policy Brief of Malaria in Nigeria

Essay Instructions:

There will be a writing assignment in the course that will involve creating a policy brief from you, the Secretary of Health, to the Minister of Finance. As you write the brief, you must put yourself into the role of the Secretary of Health.

The policy brief should be four pages long, double-spaced, and written in 12-point Times New Roman font. The four pages must not include the title page or the reference list and half a page under or over the page limit is acceptable. APA 7th edition formatting should be used as per the “Student Paper” example on the OWL at Purdue website located here: https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa _sample_paper.html . The paper cannot exceed 4.5 pages or it will not be graded.

The policy brief should be written in a very clear, crisp manner using short sentences, short paragraphs, and as few words as possible. Each paper needs to be written in a manner that will allow the Aide of the Minister of Finance to go over the contents of the brief with the Minister in about three minutes in a car on the way to an important meeting, since that is often what happens in real life.

Ideally the policy brief should be written on a low- or middle-income country, since the poorer countries are the focus of the course. Writing the policy brief will allow you to explore selected health and development issues in a variety of settings, and in a manner much deeper than will be possible in class.

The policy brief should answer the following questions:

• What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

• Who is affected by it?

• What are the determinants of and risk factors for the problem?

• What are the health, economic, and social consequences of the problem?

• What few priority steps do you recommend be taken to address the problem, at least cost,

in doable, sustainable, and fair ways? What is your rationale for these recommendations?

Write the summary and the topic sentence as if it is the only thing that the Minister of Finance is going to read. Your evidence-based story line should include who gets the disease, why they get it, why the reader should care, and how the problem can be addressed in the fastest, least- expensive manner possible. When you make your argument, give information about the relative cost-effectiveness of your proposal with evidence.

The policy brief should follow the above outline, with one exception. It should start with a single paragraph that summarizes for the Minister all the points you want to make. The summary paragraph should be several sentences long and should be single-spaced. Here is an example of a good summary paragraph:

“About XXX people die every year of TB in our country. The incidence of TB is XXX. About XXX people in our country get drug-resistant TB each year, and about XXX% of those who are

infected with HIV have active TB disease. TB affects largely the urban and rural poor and stems from poverty, general ill health, and the lack of coverage of our health services. TB causes illness for an extended period, stops people from working, causes them to spend large amounts on health, and leads many families into poverty. DOTs is a low cost approach to TB diagnosis and treatment that we are not using sufficiently. We must immediately expand our DOTs program, starting in the north, where the disease burden is highest. We must increase case detection and treatment success rates. We must also pay special attention to the diagnosis and management of drug-resistant TB and to TB/HIV co-infection.”

The paper must begin with this “one paragraph tells all” summary, written in single line spacing.


The policy brief will summarize, for a country of your choice, the burden of either a particular infectious disease OR a particular non-communicable disease. It will state who is most affected by this disease/condition, the key risk factors, the economic and social costs of the disease/condition, and what might be done to address the disease/condition in cost-effective ways. Note that since TB/HIV co-infection was used in the sample summary paragraph above, students may not use it as the topic of their policy brief.

Submissions and Grading

You will submit your policy brief electronically preferably in Word format to the appropriate ‘Assignments’ folder on UM Learn. The grader-marker for the course will mark your policy brief. The course instructor will selectively review some of the policy briefs as well. Once marked, the feedback will be returned to you electronically via your UM Learn Assignments folder.

Please save your policy brief in the following format so that the instructor and grader-marker can easily tell who wrote them: “Your Family Name, Policy Brief.docx or .doc”

The policy brief will be graded on the basis of:

• Following the guidelines of the assignment

• Clarity

• The logic of your argument

• Appropriate use of evidence and data, both about your country and comparative data • Reasonableness of your conclusions

• APA 7th edition formatting and grammar, spelling and flow.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Brief of Malaria in Nigeria
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Policy Brief on Malaria in Nigeria
Malaria is one of the leading causes of illnesses and deaths in Nigeria as a middle-income country. The infection is a significant drain on the economy that affects the deprived individual more disproportionately. One of the considerable challenges to the victims is the lack of access to proper treatment. Despite the introduction of new drugs, the malaria parasite is resistant to the drugs. Nigeria has the highest burden of malaria from a global perspective, thus overburdening the weak health systems in the country. Over the years, most hospital admissions have been attributed to the occurrence of malaria. The trend and possible economic impact make it essential for the government to fund interventions to prevent the illness. This brief summarizes the burden of malaria and cost-effective interventions to address the menace.
The Groups at the highest risk of Malaria
Nigeria is a country that encounters the highest burden of malaria across the world. According to Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey (NMIS) survey findings, almost every citizen is at risk of transmitting the illness. However, children below five years, especially from low economic backgrounds, are at the highest risk of infection. Similarly, pregnant women are susceptible to complications of malaria due to a lack of resistance. The prevalence of Malaria is higher in rural areas than in urban regions of the country (Olukosi et al., 2018). Besides, the migrants from the other areas are likely to contract the illness since they lack immunity. One of the leading causes of the risk for the group is weak immunity. Notably, the cost of addressing malaria in Nigeria is enormous and a burden to most families. An overstretched health system, poor socioeconomic development, high transmission potential, and unfavorable climatic conditions are the leading causes of malaria risks.
Determinants and Risk Factors of Malaria in Nigeria
Interventional, socioeconomic, and environmental factors are the significant risk factors that predispose the residents to malaria. For instance, low altitude, high temperatures, stagnant water, and rainfall are examples of environmental factors that increase vulnerability to illness. Besides, lack of awareness and non-usage of treated mosquito nets are economic factors that increase the risks of malaria infections. Socio-demographic status, lack of treated mosquito nets, and inadequate access to antimalarial prophylaxis contribute to the prevalence of the illness among pregnant women. For that reason, Malaria portends as one of the most severe health concerns across Nigeria based on an interplay of social, environmental, and biological risk factors.
Age, education status, pregnancy, gender, and blood group are critical determinants of the malaria pandemic in Nigeria. The level of immunity differs, especially among infants. Environmental status and personal hygiene are likely to contribute to the variation in malaria prevalence among adults. In education, highly illiterate individuals are at increased risk of contracting malaria in Nigeria than literate counterparts. Lifestyle, personal hygiene, and sanitation are the primary determinant factors of the prevalence of malaria. Besides, pregnancy is a significant determinant factor to the prevalence of malaria across Nigeria. Malaria infections as a result of Plasmodium falciparum are more perilous among pregnant women. The disease among pregnant women is a public health challenge with far-reaching risks to both the fetus and pregnant women. Gender is an imperative factor that determines the prevalence of malaria in the population.
Health, Economic, and Social Consequences of Malaria Problem
In Nigeria, Malaria has health, economic, and social impacts on the populace. For instance, the ...
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