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PICOT Statement on Workplace Violence

Essay Instructions:

Please add this to the previous order 00085673 so that the same writer can just write both. Let me know if that is going to be an extra charge. I WILL need the same writer for most of the papers. So please assign accordingly. Thank you very much. Please contact me if there are any issues in advanced! I'm available any time. Thank you again!

Review the Topic Materials and the work completed in NRS-433V to formulate a PICOT statement for your capstone project.

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

Evidence-Based Solution

Nursing Intervention

Patient Care

Health Care Agency

Nursing Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace Violence Picot Statement
Danaysi Ortega
Grand Canyon University
NRS 490 0502
Does reducing workplace violence towards novice nurses by other healthcare professionals Increase the quality of healthcare accorded to patients?

novice nurses


Reducing workplace violence.


set standards and regulations that have reduced or eliminated workplace violence in healthcare centers


Improved quality of healthcare that patients receive from novice nurses


One year

Workplace violence is one of the clinical problems that have resulted in a reduction in the quality of healthcare accorded to patients. Bullied nurses end up performing incorrect procedures to patients as well as causing other medication errors. This puts the patient's life at risk and in other cases, worsens the patient's condition. Nurses require a conducive work environment for them to be able to provide the best quality healthcare to patients. Hospitals have been experiencing an inconducive work environment as a result violence. This occurs in the case whereby the senior nurses pressure the novice nurses into performing medical procedures without guidance. Some also result in novice nurses taking on extra shifts on behalf of the senior nurses. The overload of work results in fatigue, hence making it difficult for novice nurses to effectively take care of patients (Arnetz, Sudan, Fitzpatrick, Cotten, Jodoin, Chang & Arnetz, 2018). In addition, other healthcare professionals also face workplace violence in the different departments of the hospitals. Therefore, an evidence-based solution needs to be implemented to ensure that the nurses have a conducive work environment whereby they can attend to p...
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