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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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MS Word
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Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay: Physical Wellness

Essay Instructions:

Submit as a 2 page Word document. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and

one-inch margins. Begin building your references list for Final Project Part One, which requires you to support your responses with at least two sources for each

lens from the assigned course resources or other scholarly sources located independently via the Shapiro Library. Note that you may use the same source for

more than one lens if applicable. Cite your supporting sources in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Physical Wellness
The eight dimensions of wellness refer to the overall collective sense of awareness towards different aspects of our lives that we should have for ourselves. It requires a delicate balance in all the different elements of our lives, and the pursuit of a healthy mix. As we strive to attain this balance, physical wellness remains a key facet of life that should be closely monitored and sought after. The main dimensions of wellness are spiritual,emotional and physical.
Physical wellness involves the maintenance of a healthy body, good physical health habits, good nutrition and exercise, and obtaining appropriate health care (Swarbrick & Yudof, 2017). We can strive for physical wellness by observing three key components. Firstly, we need to monitor our nutrition. Access to fresh, healthy food is key to the attainment of physical wellness. The foods that we eat need to be fresh. Pursuit of a healthy lifestyle also plays a key role in physical wellness. Intake of fruits rich in vitamins and consumption of water is essential for healthy living. However, this remains a challenge for most people. Largely, this is due to a lack of information from knowledgeable sources like dieticians and nutritionists.
Secondly, one needs to engage in physical activity and exercise to stay physically healthy. By engaging your body in basic physical activity exercises like walks, stretching, or climbing the stairs, we exercise our muscles and keep them healthy. However, this remains a major challenge for most people, majorly due to laziness and procrastination. Many more conceive physical exercise as a preserve of athletes, obese people, body builders or fitness enthusiasts. Staying active is an important way to ensure you are maintaining your physical health (Klotz Student Health Centre, 2020).
Lastly, rest also plays a key role in developing physical wellness. Our bodies need adequate time to rest. This is when cell rejuvenation happens ...
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