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Performance Nutrition Needs

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following as completely as possible. You need to show that you comprehensively understand the subject of the question and communicate your thoughts clearly. Feel free to use personal experience and external sources (cited) to support your answers. Note: this week's minimum is 500 words.


Imagine you are teaching a group fitness class. Think about the format of the class and identify your demographic (who are you training in your class) and their likely goal(s).

Your assignment is to write a short informative essay on performance nutrition that you could distribute to your class participants that will address their performance nutrition needs.

The subject of the essay may be broad (ie, general principles to follow for weight loss) or specific (one aspect of nutrition, ie, the value of a particular food, minimum protein requirements, etc.). The essay must provide practical application of the topic. Ie, if you talk about the benefit of protein in the diet, provide examples of good protein sources; if you talk about weight loss, give some weight loss tips or examples of foods that are good to include in a healthy diet. The information must be something your clients can easily implement in their own diets. Reference your information sources.

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Requirements: answers must be in your own words, 500-word minimum

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Performance Nutrition Needs
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Performance Nutrition Needs
In general, people have recently appreciated the need for body fitness. Either proper dieting or physical exercise can maintain a healthy body or body fitness. Body fitness is necessary to boost a person's esteem, avoiding lifestyle diseases like obesity and diabetes, and avoiding body shaming. Body fitness is good for everyone but crucial to children, the aged, and athletes. Some of the importance of body fitness (regular physical exercise and nutrition) include raising one’s attitude, weight loss, bone, and muscle building, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, relaxation, improving skin and brain development. This paper will discuss performance nutrition and major on weight loss and maintenance of proper body weight.
Losing weight could be easy and simple compared to maintaining the acquired body weight. To lose weight, a healthy and balanced diet is necessary. A balanced diet comprises carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and fats. According to scientists, carbohydrates are a class of foods inclusive of starch, fiber, and sugars found in cereals and vegetables (Slavin, 2005). Carbohydrates can either be complex or simple. Complex carbohydrates include whole-grain meals like potatoes and grains. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found in food, and they include those in fruits, vegetables, and milk. Carbohydrates have a high content of calories. In a weight loss journey, foods with low calories are most preferred. These are foods with high water content, like fruits and vegetables. The density of food intake is directly proportional to the calorie content in foods; the high the density, the higher the calories.
Timing in food consumption is also crucial in maintain and reducing weight. High amounts and high Caloric foods should be consumed when the body has a higher period to process and digest them. Carbohydrates and foods with high calories should be consumed in the morning since there are higher chances of it being digested to energy as oppose...
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