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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Palliation In The Age of Chronic Disease. Health, Medicine Essay

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Palliation In The Age of Chronic Disease

Sixty-one year old A.T. has recently been confined to a wheelchair by progressive osteoarthritis in his right hip, which causes him considerable pain. Formerly an active individual – an avid walker and weekend sailor – A.T. is equally distressed by his lack of mobility, and loss of independence. A hip replacement, for which his insurance company would pay, would relieve his pain, increase his mobility, and significantly improve the quality of his life. He has thus decided to proceed with elective surgery. A.T. considered himself in excellent health except for the degenerative joint disease, which has recently decreased his stamina. He was therefore surprised to learn that a preoperative blood count suggested that he had chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and associated moderate anemia. A thorough workup confirmed the diagnosis of State III CLL, which is associated with a life expectancy of approximately 12 t0 42 months. A.T.’s physicians can correct his anemia with periodic blood transfusions and believe that his CLL poses no significant acute contraindication to the proposed surgery.

Would hip replacement be considered inappropriate therapy for A.T.? What are the limits of palliation in the age of chronic disease?

** My response: No , A.T. has 1 to 3 years to live, If insurance approves it , then why not get the hip replacement which can change the quality of his life.

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Palliation in the Age of Chronic Disease
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Palliation in the Age of Chronic Disease
According to the World Health Organization, palliation is the care afforded to patients in an attempt to improve the quality of their lives as well as their families’. Palliative care is usually associated with people suffering from chronic diseases and whose illnesses have progressed to such an extent that their days are numbered. End of life circumstances are, however, considered taboo in medical circles simply because they are related to death (Leichsenring, Billings & Nies, 2013). Nevertheless, this should not be the case. Palliation should be conducted during the early stages of the chronic illness through to the moment the patient passes away. That notwithstanding, there are limits to palliation in the age of chronic disease. Top among them is making a decision on whether and when palliation is necessary. Using the needs of A.T – 60 year old man – as an example, this paper seeks to provide solutions to the limits of palliative care in the face of certain circumstances.
Alleviating Physical and Emotional Pain
Before A.T was confined to a wheelchair due to progressive osteoarthritis, he was an active man who used his energies in walking and sailing. Thus, he is naturally distressed by both loss of freedom and movement. In addition, he suffers pain on the right hip, which is affected by the condition. Since his insurance would clear the bill for a hip replacement and thus relieve his pain and improve his movement abilities, there is no reason for the necessary elective surgery to be foregone. It will not only get rid of his physical pain but also improve his emotional well-bein...
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