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Project Submission: Organizational Challenges Posed by the Conflicts in the Healthcare Organization

Essay Instructions:

t of healthcare quality management, it is vital that you are able to identify problems that arise in healthcare organizations and propose strategies fortheir improvement. A critical part of this process requires you to be familiar with quality and accreditation standards and navigate the communication channelsof the organization.For your summative assignment, you will identify a departmental problem within a healthcare organization and develop a collaborative performanceimprovement initiative to address it. Ideally, the proposed evidence-based solution will serve to improve the departmental problem, thus contributing to theoverall success of the healthcare organization. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course toscaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Seven. The final product will be submittedin Module Eight.In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Evaluate appropriate methods of healthcare data collection and interpretation for informing organizational decision making Assess healthcare performance improvement initiatives for addressing gaps in organizational performance Evaluate requirements of current quality and safety initiatives for how they promote the culture of safety in healthcare organizations Formulate communication and teamwork strategies in quality management that engage diverse stakeholders within healthcare organizations Evaluate information management systems and patient care technologies that promote healthcare qualityBegin by identifying an organizational problem within your own workplace healthcare setting or a hypothetical healthcare organization. Propose an initiativethat addresses this chosen problem, utilizing evidence-based literature and quality standards. If you choose a problem in your workplace, be sure to utilize datafrom that healthcare organization; if you have created a hypothetical healthcare organization, you may use a public domain database with instructor permission.As this is a scholarly initiative, this assignment must adhere to all APA requirements and formatting, and include peer-reviewed and evidence-based sources to support any and all claims.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. What Is the Organizational Problem?A. Provide a contextual basis for the organizational problem that you have chosen. How does this problem fail to meet quality or other regulatoryrequirements?B. Articulate organizational challenges posed by the problem (e.g., interdepartmental conflicts, communication failure, budgeting issues).II. Evidence-Based SupportA. Provide data that supports the existence of the problem. You may utilize public sources to find data related to your selected problem.B. How has this problem been addressed in the past? What information management systems or patient care technologies have been utilizedwhen addressing this problem? Be sure to use peer-reviewed literature to support your answer.C. Discuss relevant accreditation standards, safety standards, compliance standards, and quality initiatives. How do these standards promote aculture of safety within the department? Be sure to cite the appropriate standards within your answer.III. Performance Improvement InitiativeA. Propose an initiative that will address this problem within the department of your chosen healthcare organization. What specific relevant qualitystandard will this quality initiative address?B. Discuss the data determinants of success, as related to this initiative. In other words, what type of data will be indicative of a quality outcome?IV. Implementation of the Plan in the OrganizationA. What interdepartmental communication channels will be used for plan implementation?B. What manner of data interpretation will be used to communicate the findings within the organization?C. If this initiative was implemented, what do you believe would be the hypothetical effect(s) on patient care outcomes? How will healthinformation systems support those improvements in patient care?D. What do you think the hypothetical effect of the quality or performance initiative will be on the culture of safety within the organization?V. Success of the Performance Improvement PlanA. If this initiative is successful, what would be the financial implications for the healthcare organization?B. How would the existing information management systems contribute to the success of your proposal?C. What organizational processes will permit continued viability of the performance improvement initiative, if it is successful?D. Analyze interdepartmental communication that would be necessary for continued engagement in the proposed initiative.MilestonesMilestone One: Identify Organizational ProblemIn Module Two, you will identify an organizational problem within your own workplace healthcare setting or a hypothetical healthcare organization. If youchoose a problem in your workplace, be sure to utilize data from that healthcare organization; if you have created a hypothetical healthcare organization, youmay use a public domain database with instructor permission. As you develop this first part of the assignment, provide a contextual basis for the organizationalproblem and articulate the organizational challenges posed by the problem. Provide data that supports the existence of the problem. This milestone is gradedwith the Milestone One Rubric.Milestone Two: Initiative ProposalIn Module Four, propose an initiative that addresses your problem selected in Milestone One. You will also implement your performance improvement initiativeand discuss what success of the performance improvement plan will look like after implementation. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.Milestone Three: Implementation of Performance InitiativeIn Module Seven, you will implement your performance improvement initiative. Additionally, you will discuss what success of the performance improvementplan will look like after implementation. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.Final Submission: Organizational Performance InitiativeIn Module Eight, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It shouldreflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission is graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Performance Initiative
Part One
As things currently stand, it is quite not possible to imagine any successful organization that does not pay close attention to its set organizational behavior. These behaviors if not controlled could lead to a conflict in the organization. In healthcare organizations, there are many problems that normally that the management must deal with properly. One of the problems that are quite common in most of the healthcare institutions is conflict among the staff members. For instance, conflict may occur between physicians themselves, physicians and other staffs, and/or between the healthcare team and patients or even family members of the patient. These conflicts in the healthcare organizations range major controversies to fierce disagreements that may lead to a litigation or violence. It is important to remember that conflicts have far-reaching effects on the productivity of the physicians and other healthcare staffs, reduction in the morale of employees and also the entire operations in the institution. These conflicts may actually result into high employee turnover and may certainly limit the contribution of other staff members and as a result impede efficiency (Lenz & Reichert, 2007).
Organizational Challenges Posed by the Conflicts in the Healthcare Organization
There are quite wide ranges of challenges that are posed by the conflicts that normally do arise in the healthcare institutions. The conflict may lead to hostility in the working environment among the staff members in the healthcare institutions. Conflicts if not controlled early enough, it would lead to intolerant among the members of the organization and therefore there might be disunity. In healthcare institutions where there is disunity among the staff members, there are dangers of things not working properly. In the case of a healthcare organization, there are chances that the patients would not be offered proper services that might hamper the health status of the patient. Therefore, it is important for the management team in the organization to come up with better ways by which they can control these conflicts before they get out of control. Despite the fact that can have a far reaching effect in the productive of physicians, it normally has a negative emotional and physical impact on the physicians and other healthcare staffs. Other than these factors, there are also some instances when the conflicts could also turn out to be costly financially. For instance, it would lead to the reduction of productivity of the staff members would lead to the reduction of revenue that comes to the organization. the cost to replace a nurse or physicians who has been disgruntled by the continuous conflicts; is three times costly as compared to the salary that the nurse or the physician was being paid before he or she left the organization Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (2005).
Part Two
Data that Supports the Existence of Conflicts in the Healthcare Organization
There have several researches that have been carried out in the past to show the existence of conflicts in different healthcare organizations. There have statistical analysis of the data that have generated from the researches that have been conducted before. One of the researches that were conducted before showed that 57% of the conflicts that occurred were among nurses themselves, and 33% of the conflicts that was reported in the healthcare organization were between nurses and the doctors. It was also reported that these conflicts normally occur during phone call communication. At the same time, 60% of these conflicts normally arise during day time, and 51% of the conflicts were reported during the nursing shift (Cowing et al., 2009).
How has the Problem of Interpersonal Conflicts Been Addressed in the Past
There are basically five ways by conflicts have been addressed in the past; these conflicts have been addressed through obliging, compromise, dominating, avoidance, and integrating the conflict. However, there are different scholars that have argued that these ways are majorly temporally. For instance, those who have chosen to avoid conflicts in their workplaces have actually chosen to compromise on their own needs, concerns and goals so as to satisfy the needs of other people. The idea of self sacrificial approach has also turned out to be nothing but the culture of altruism. Nevertheless, the idea of compromising has been proven to be the most preferred among doctors and nurses; this was according to the research that was carried out from five Israeli hospitals. The other research that was conducted on Norwegian hospitals also showed that nurses and physicians would always use avoidance, dominating and compromising as a way for addressing the conflicts in the workplace. According to Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (2005), increasing awareness about the health care may lead to a more useful approach in the conflict resolution within the health care organization. It has also been further argued that by addressing the negative conflicts soberly and early on, the workplace relations are strongly built and as a result a healthy environment is developed. Therefore, it is important to note that if the conflict management is avoided, the operations in the organization could be jeopardized and the human potential would be wasted.
The Use of Information Management Systems in Addressing Conflicts in the Health Care Organization
The precise conflict management systems should ensure that the cost for resolving it is quite negligible as opposed to leaving the conflict unresolved. The management system has been specifically made and customized so as to support the needs of an organization that is based on the operational premise. A well designed management systems has got three main components that are essential for its success. These three main components include training of staffs, the use of a neutral Third-Party Intervention, and the Supportive infrastructure.
Relevant Accreditation Standards in Healthcare
Healthcare accreditation standards have been promoted as being important ways for improving the clinical practice and the or...
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