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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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How to Resolve a Situation Related to Patient's Safety

Essay Instructions:

Scenario: Frank Fellow, a 72-year-old patient admitted for acute confusion presented in the emergency department (ED) with a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 1, and arthritis. He lives in a single-family home with his wife. The patient is slightly confused and has an unsteady gait. He frequently forgets to use his walker and fails to call for assistance from the nursing staff when ambulating to the bathroom.
Questions: Based on this scenario, discuss your interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation and how you would use these to resolve a situation related to the patient's safety.
A, Interpretation: Clarify what the behavior means.
B, Analysis: During the assessment, what questions should the nurse ask to determine the best plan of care?
C, Evaluation: What outcomes do you expect to achieve with your patient today?
D, Inference: What conclusion (explanation of behavior) could the nurse make based on the analysis?
E, Explanation: During implementation, how can the nurse justify the actions being initiated?
F, Self-Regulation: What issues should the nurse reexamine to correct or improve the nursing care?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In the case of the 72-year-old patient, it is important to note that they are having a problem remembering some of the basic aspects of general operations. he is seen to be confused most of the time, forgetting to his walker now and then and will not call for assistance most of the time. These are the classic signs of a patient that is suffering from dementia. Hypertension, diabetes and arthritis tend to worsen the situation (Healthline Media, 2017). However, it is important to note that when such an elderly patient suffers from such symptoms, they need assistance as they could easily be a danger unto themselves and at a mild level to others (NHS Choices, 2017).
During the assessment, the nurse should take keen interest in the patients’ ability to walk, continence and memory. These are key indicators of the dementia condition. Most of the patients will have a challenge managing their daily activities and as such will need assistance. In the case of the questions, the nurse may go in between general and personal issues (NHS Choices, 2017). This way they are able to assess the level of consistency between the answers that are given in any of the cases. where the patient shows changes in their thinking and forgetfulness, this is a classic indicator that they are suffering from dementia and is then important to make sure that the patient is not suffering from the more radical forms of the same such as Alzheimer’s by taking them through the various medical, physical and laboratory tests (Healthline Media, 2017). These are crucial, as patients that are developing Alzheimer’s also start with elements of being forgetful and being unable to manage most of their daily activities relative to the poor coordination from challenged memory faculties (Healthline Media, 2017).
In this case the outcomes that are expected include the fact that, the patients’ needs to be safe. This relative to the fact that...
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