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Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Sir, These are two assignments.

Section A- 250 words

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment.

Section B - 500 to 750 words

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section B: Problem Description.

Please see all attachments. I will send the messages for organizational culture survey tool and proposed problem description of EBP later. Give me some time. Assignment questions are attached. Send me a message for any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evidence Based Practice
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Evidence Based Practice
Section A
The Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice (OCRSIEP) survey tool was utilized in this project (Brown, 2014). The tool has 19 items which addresses various aspects of NP’s perceptions on the readiness before the implementation of evidence based practice (Eberhart, 2014). Therefore, this tool will help in evaluating and identifying the readiness level of the organization to implement the EBP.
The responses ranged from “None at all” to “Very Much” in relation to the degree in which evidence-based practice is incorporated into the objectives of the organization as well as how it is put into practice. Five NPs recorded the staff nurses to be “a little” committed and physician and administration to be “somewhat” committed to EBP. Also, NPs perceived “A Little” to “somewhat” sized number of nurses with the required knowledge and skills in regard to EBP. They also perceived “None at all” to “A little” nurses with string knowledge and skills to help in generating and translating the findings. Five NPs perceived there were enough mentors for the nurses. They also perceived that the practitioners were “moderately” to “very much” committed to incorporating EBP into their practice.
From the findings of the OCRSIEP evaluation, the organization is ready to implement EBP. The nurses demonstrated the required commitment for driving the EBP. Moreover, the physicians demonstrated the passion to sup...
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