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Oral Health Conditions

Essay Instructions:


Healthy People 2030 Paper: Choose one of the twelve Healthy People 2020 leading health

Indicators (LHI) and write a paper giving a brief explanation of the indicator (Section 1-5%), identifying at-risk groups and how long they have been at rink (Section 2-5%), and planning and evaluating Public Health interventions aimed at this group

(Section 3-5%).Sections of the assignment will be completed as drafts throughout the semester prior to final submission. Each section is worth 5%. You can access Healthy People 2020 at www(dot)healthypeople(dot)gov. The use of correct APA style citations throughout the assignment is required.

Your final paper (10%) will consist of all 3 sections put together using the feedback given to you throughout the semester.

Requirements: (Points will be taken off if the student does not follow these requirements)

• 5 pages

• Typed in Times Roman, size 12 font

• Double-spaced

• 1 inch margins

• At least 3 references in APA format (You cannot use your text as a reference)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Oral Health Conditions
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Instructor’s Name:
Oral Health Conditions
Section 1
The Healthy People 2030 initiative is a government agenda aimed at improving the health of its citizens. It relies on the use of health indicators in various domains in order to monitor and track the progress of the initiative. The Healthy People 2030 recognizes that oral health is an essential component of overall well-being and aims to improve the oral health status of individuals across the United States. Consequently, the initiative has an oral health indicator that monitors and tracks several key aspects of oral health. In order to achieve its objectives the intuitive has certain objectives that must be met. First, it aims to promote oral health education and awareness. Public education is used to create awareness about the important of oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, as well as the impact of diet and lifestyle choices on oral health (Healthy People 2030a, n.d). Second, the indicator emphasizes the importance of access to dental care services. The initiative recognizes that that many individuals face barriers to receiving necessary dental treatment, such as lack of insurance coverage, financial constraints, and limited availability of dental providers (Hannan, Ricks, Espinoza, & Weintraub, 2021)). As such, there is a need to address the barriers and ensure that individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have access to preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services. Third, the indicator focuses on preventing and controlling oral diseases. Prevention efforts involve promoting measures, such as community water fluoridation, dental sealants, and regular dental check-ups, to reduce the incidence and severity of oral diseases through early detection. Thus, the indicator targets the improvement of oral health through a variety of primary prevention of diseases including but not limited to promoting proper dental care.
Section 2
There are several groups of people in the country that are at risk of poor oral health outcomes. The risk may be posed by their biology, physiology or even access to dental care. For example, children are one of the most affected groups of people by poor oral health. They are usually at risk of developing dental caries and other long-term oral health problems (Romano & Silk, 2023). In particular, early childhood caries is a common dental problem among young children, particularly those from low-income families with limited access to preventive dental care. The problem has persisted for a long period lasting several decades. Similarly, geriatric patient are also at risk of poor dental health. Elder patients experience dry mouth, tooth loss, and gum disease. Such conditions are likely to cause poor oral health problems. In addition, older people also have problems accessing healthcare because some may experience challenges such lack of a caretaker at home or transportation services among others. Another group that is at-risk of poor oral health is pregnant women. Pregnancy increases the risk of oral health problems, including gum disease and dental decay. First, hormonal changes and dietary habits during pregnancy sometimes exacerbate oral health problems. In addition, lack of awareness and limited access to prenatal dental care can further contribute to poor oral health outcomes in pregnant women. Recently, research on pregnancy and oral health outcome has gained recognition. According to Belibasakis, Bostanci, Marsh, and Zaura (2019), there might be an association between poor oral health during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes . As such, the issue indicates women have experience the problem for a long time as research is currently uncovering issues that might be prevented by ensuring oral health. Persons with disabilities are also another group of individuals who are at-risk of poor oral health. The oral health needs of individuals with disabilities have been an ongoing concern. Various physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities can pose challenges in maintaining good oral hygiene and accessing dental care (Wilson et. al, 2019). Efforts to improve oral health for individuals with disabilities have included provider education, adaptations in dental practices, and advocacy for inclusive dental care. There are several groups that are at-risk of poor oral health and each group has unique challenges that should be addressed. As such, interventions designed to help each of the groups should account for their differences in order to be effective.
Section 3
Planning and evaluation of public health programs are of utmost importance in ensuring their effectiveness and impact. Careful planning allows for the identification of specific objectives and goals that need to be achieved, guiding the implementation process (Perrin, 2014). In contrast, evaluation provides a means to assess the program's progress and outcomes, allowing for adjustments and improvements to be made along the way. This continuous feedback loop ensures that public health interventions such as the Healthy People 2030 initiative are evidence-based and responsive to the needs of the community.
The Healthy People 2030 initiative officially started on December 3, 2020. According to The Healthy People 2030 initiative website the Oral health improvement plan has been successful because it has met the defined targets and benchmarks and new ones have been established in order for the program to continue (Healthy People 2030b, n.d.). In this regard, there has been an increase in the use of oral ...
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