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Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Literature Appraisal

Essay Instructions:
*continuation from previous post* Write a paper (1,500-2,000 words) in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles identified in Module 1. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution. Hint: The Module 2 Readings provide appraisal questions that will assist you to efficiently and effectively analyze each article. Refer to "Sample Format for Review of Literature," "RefWorks," and "Module 2: Checklist." Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Literature Appraisal
Author`s Name
The study by Berlowitz et al. (2009) clearly illustrates its aims from the onset, and provides a brief but concise background on the subject matter. They aim to uncover the feasibility of CPAP in the management of OSA patient who are tetraplegic. The article is a quantitative study, and utilizes statistical evidence in a clear manner. The study utilizes a cohort of patients in a spinal center. The research design is appropriate with regards to the objectives and setup of the study. The study conclusion is well justified. The findings of the study are applicable in the present paper, in that they prove the efficacy and feasibility of CPAP in OSA patients, with a focus on patients with other co-morbidities.
Alonso-Fernandez, Garcia-Rio, Arias et al (2008) conduct a study, which aims to add new knowledge, with regards to CPAP and the prevention of complications in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The study tests a hypothesis- CPAP therapy attenuates nitrate deficiency and oxidative stress. Both these two processes are imperative in the development of complications in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The study utilizes a randomized controlled double blind research design. This design is appropriate in uncovering the efficacy of CPAP. Selection bias is minimized in the study, where 31 newly diagnosed OSA patients are randomized and compared to 15 randomly selected healthy individuals. Correct statistical analyses are conducted, thus enhancing believability of results. The findings of this study are imperative to the present study in that they prove the efficacy of CPAP in decreasing complications in newly diagnosed OSA patients. Therefore, the imperativeness of CPAP in early disease can be derived from the authors` conclusion.
Sweeting (2012) elaborates on the use of CPAP for people with OSA. The article is not a primary study; hence, a disadvantage. Nonetheless, the author goes on to elaborate on the use of CPAP in OSA. The author cites a wealth of up-to-date literature. The article is organized in clear sections, and delivers its argument in a coherent manner. Nonetheless, the article is deficient in terms of statistical evidence. The content is appropriate for use in the current paper, and demonstrates the effectiveness of CPAP in adult patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Oliveira, Campos, Cintra et al. (2009) study question is relevant to the aims of the study. The study seeks to add new knowledge, with regards to evaluating the impact of CPAP treatment of OSA on the left atrium volume and function. The study is a randomized control trial, ensuring credibility of findings. Participants are randomly selected, hence eliminating selection bias. Results are given in a well tabulated manner with proper statistical analysis. The conclusion is justified with the research findings, and reinforced by an extensive citation of literature. The findings of the study are relevant and will assist in the current research paper in that CPAP is shown to decrease complications associated with OSA treatment.
Browaldh, Markstrom and Friberg (2009) utilize a retrospective study design in their research. The design is appropriate in answering the research question. The study aims to compare two modalities of OSA treatment- CPAP and surgical modality. The aims and the research question are clearly stipulated at the onset. 10 patients were randomly selected for the sample size. Despite the elimination of selection bias, the sample size may be deemed as small; therefore, lack the ability of a proper representative sample. Statistical evidence is widely utilized in the article, adding credibility to the findings. The findings of the research are relevant to the present paper, in that they show the tolerability of CPAP in OSA treatment.
The study by Butt, Dwivedi, Lip, Khair and Shantsila (2012) adds new knowledge. In that past studies on the subject were limited by the study cohorts and confounding factors. The study comprehensively addresses the confounding factors. The objectives of the study are clearly laid out from the onset. The study design is a randomized control trial and minimizes potential sources of bias. The study was performed according to protocol. Statistical evidence is widely utilized in the article, and the analysis is correct. The findings of the study are imperative to the present paper, in that they prove the role of CPAP in minimizing or preventing the complications of OSA in early and late disease.
The study by Ronksley, Hemmelgarn, and Tsai (2011) is a meta-analysis of past literature. The study seeks to identify the co-morbidity and healthcare costs for patients with OSA. The article derives its evidence from a large base of literature. Most of the references used are up to date. Statistical evidence is widely utilized in the article, and tables are employed in enhancing clarity of information. The sources used are utilized correctly in coming up with the conclusion. The article will assist the present paper by provision of facts related to CPAP and OSA.
Sundar, Daly and Willis (2013) conduct a longitudinal study, whose aims are to find out the efficacy of CPAP treatment in patients who are at risk of developing OSA. The study design is appropriate in tackling the objectives of the research. Statistical evidence is well detailed in the article. There is no random selection of the sample; hence, the results may have potential bias. There are no conflicts of interest by the authors. The conclusion is well justified, and sources utilized in the article are up to date. The study findings are relevant to the present study in that efficacy of CPAP is evaluated in the treatment of patients at risk of OSA, or patients with OSA in conjunction with associated co-morbidities.
Peker, Glantz, Thunstorm et al. (2008) undertake a randomized control trial which seeks to demonstrate the rationale of CPAP therapy in patients with OSA and...
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