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Developing an Evaluation Plan

Essay Instructions:
*continuation from previous post* Developing an Evaluation Plan Using 500-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes. Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution: Methods: 1. Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change. 2. Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change. 3. Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change. Variables: 1. Staff attitudes and perceptions. 2. Patient attitudes and perceptions. 3. Rate of nursing staff turnover. Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.). Refer to the "Module 4: Checklist." Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide *this is just an example provided by the instructor*
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Evaluation Plan Author`s Name Institution After implementation of the proposed changes, an evaluation will be undertaken in order to discern the effectiveness of the intervention. This plan will cover evaluation of implementation objectives, outcome objectives and the procedures for managing and monitoring the evaluation process. The target populations during the evaluation include adult patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and nursing staff. Mild OSA is patients with apnea/hypopnea Index (AHI) of less than 15 (Colm & Maxine, 2011). The intervention to be evaluated is the incorporation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as an additional treatment modality to weight reduction and positional intervention during sleep. The outcomes are related to improvement in the quality of life in patients with OSA, decreased complications rates in OSA, and increased patient and nursing staff satisfaction. On the evaluation of implementation objectives, measurable terms will include the timeframe, the project implementers and the patients treated. The implementation timeframe will be one year. The Project implementers include the nursing staffs working in the internal medicine outpatient clinic and those that deal with service delivery to patients with respiratory problems. The information to be collected includes the number of nursing staff attending to patients with mild OSA in the given duration. The number of patients treated for mild OSA will also be collected. Confidentiality of information will be maintained during the evaluation (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2010). The data will be collected from the first implementation date to the last date during the one year duration. Patients` records will be accessed in assessing this information. On the evaluation of the outcome objectives, data will be collected on various outcomes. To begin with, the rate of complications of OSA will be analyzed before and after implementation of interventions. Any of the following complications will be counted- increased daytime somnolence...
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