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Annotated Bibliography - Health and Medicine

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Health and Medicine
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Health and Medicine
McMurray, J. J, Adamopoulos. S, Anker, S.D. et al. (2012). ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur Heart J (14):1787-847.
McMurray, J. J, Adamopoulos. S, Anker, S.D. et al. 2012 in their study identified that a patient suffering chronic heart failure depicts different symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Management of chronic heart failure depends on severity of the condition. In severe stage of this condition, symptoms include shortness of breath, leg swelling, and exercise intolerance. Notably, there is indeed no system of diagnostic criteria agreed on as the gold standards for addressing chronic heart failure. However, a variety of approaches is available for mitigating the effects of chronic heart failure on patients. Framingham criteria and duke criteria among others are systems, which clinicians use in management of chronic heart failure resulting from ischemic cardiomyoparthy and hypertension. Palliative care is necessary and appropriate on patients with symptoms of chronic heart failure. Hospice is as well a good alternative of handling chronic heart failure. This is evident that a variety of measures that tested and proved appropriate are jointly applicable in managing chronic heart failure on patients.
Different methods are usable in supporting clinical diagnosis of acute and chronic heart failure. Echocardiography uses ultrasound to determine stroke volume and the end-diastolic volume. Echocardiography can as well identify valvular heart diseases and assess state of pericardium. Electrophysiology uses the electrocardiogram in identification of arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease as well as right and left ventricular hypertrophy and other similar abnormalities (McMurray, J. J, Adamopoulos. S, Anker, S.D. et al. 2012). Blood tests are useful as a diagnosis method. They should be routinely conducted and include electrolytes, measures of renal function, liver function tests and thyroid function tests among others. Angiography is well applicable in acute and chronic heart diagnosis. Heart failure may result from coronary heart disease. Coronary catheterization can identify possibilities for revascularization through bypass surgery. Treating acute and chronic heart failure includes lifestyle as well as pharmacological modalities. Acute decompensation has the immediate goals as re-establishment of adequate perfusion and delivery of oxygen to end organs.
McMurray, J. J, Adamopoulos. S, Anker, S.D. et al. 2012 recommend that immediate treatment involve combination of vasodilators like nitroglycerin, diuretics like furosemide and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. In chronic management, first line therapy should be angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. This improves survival and quality of life of the patient. Behavioral modification as a lifestyle measure of controlling and treating acute and chronic heart failure is important and consequently patients should pursue it under the direction of therapists. Exercise is a very important method of improving the quality of life of patients suffering acute and chronic heart failure. Palliative care is necessary on patients since it provides symptom management and advanced care planning. Transplantation is necessary as a treatment method where the condition of the patient has deteriorated sharply. This is important in ensuring that the patient is able to survive and live longer.
Pittler, M.H., Guo. R, Ernst. E. (2008). Hawthorn extract for treating chronic heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Jan 23(1):CD005312.
Hawthorn extract is an adjunctive therapy used to improve physical performance and ameliorate heart failure. Notably, the most effective dose is unknown. However, a dose of 160-180mg/d is recommendable for patients with chronic and acute heart failure (Pittler, M.H., Guo. R, Ernst. E. 2008). This dose is ideal in improving the physical performance of a patient. Hawthorn is an oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. In certain countries like Germany for instance, therapists use hawthorn on patient with New York Heart Association class II symptoms. Hawthorn extract possesses positive inotropic and negative chonotropic cardiac properties. Still, this extract increases coronary blood flow. Compared to other inotropic agents, hawthorn extract is among the few that exhibit antiarrhythmic properties. Treating heart failure patients by use of hawthorn extract ensures that there is increase maximal cardiac workload. Hawthorn reduces blood pressure and this result to reduction in the rate of failure of the cardiac functions. Hawthorn extract is well effective on proper administration.
Pittler, M.H., Guo. R, Ernst. E. 2008 indicate that Hawthorn extract plays a significant role in the treatment of acute and chronic heart failure. Studies carried on its administration indicate that over a considerable period, it improves physical performance and ameliorates heart failure. Nevertheless, it should not in anyway replace standard therapy. However, joint administration of both on a heart failure patient can guarantee desirable results. Though there is no certainty as to which is the most effective dose, a study conducted with administration of a dose of 160-180mg/d depicted positive response and impact on patients over a considerably short period. However, the long-term data on the impact of hawthorn extract upon prognosis is still lacking. This is due to limitations to addressing such in the studies previously conducted. Considering one type of hawthorn extract, WS 1442 LI 132, it is evident that when administered on patients with acute and chronic heart failure positive response appears. However, based on the severing of the disease, the positive response appears within duration of between 3-6 weeks.
Based on the results obtained from studies carried out, it is evident that hawthorn extract is an oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. Patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II symptoms respond positively in a short period on proper administration of hawthorn extract. The prescription and dose given to a patient should reflect the severity of the heart failure condition (Pittler, M.H., Guo. R, Ernst. E. 2008). Chronic and acute heart failure cases require treatment that uses a similar dose prescription. Due to presence of positive inotropic and negative chonotropic cardiac properties in hawthorn extract, it is easy to increase coronary ...
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