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Nutrition Skeptical: Nutrition Article Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Please use the correct APA 7th edition format. Please use complete sentences. Please do not use contractions. Please do not use the words I or YOU. Please do not use run-on sentences. Please provide 2-full pages and not 1 1/2 pages. Please provide the links to the article(s) used. Please answer the below questions and use these questions for the completion of the paper.

Please write a 2-full page paper on nutrition news with a skeptical, educated eye.

Find an article online, in a magazine, a website on nutrition, or any publication that carries nutrition news meant for the consumer.

Answer the following questions:

1) What sort of language does the writer use? Do the words imply sensationalism or conclusive findings? Is the author tentative, using words such as "may" or "might" often? What does this imply?

2) Is the finding placed in the context of previous nutrition research and science? Does the article imply that these findings wipe out all that has gone before it? Can you detect a broad understanding of nutrition facts on the writer's part? What clues indicate this?

3) Does the article mention whether the research results under discussion are published in a medical or nutrition journal? Where? Could you locate supporting research from the info provided in this article?

4) How were the results obtained? Can you tell from the article whether this was a case study, an epidemiological study, an intervention study or a lab study? How does that information affect your understanding of what the results have contributed to the advancement of nutrition science?

5) Does the finding apply to you? Should you change your eating pattern because of it? In what ways did the subjects resemble or differ from you? Were there enough subjects to make the study seem valid?

This type of assessment can guide you through the plethora of nutrition articles available in the popular media.

Please include the original article. A link to the original article is fine, but be sure the link works and note this is not included in the 2 pages double-spaced text that is required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition Article Analysis
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Nutrition Article Analysis
Gabrovec and colleagues (2018) used precisive research language characterized by well-articulated and structured words, sentences, and paragraphs for easy understanding. For example, in the introduction paragraph, the word frailty has been well defined and precisely introduced for the readers to understand the concept. The article is categorized into introduction, abstract, methodology, findings, and discussion sections to posit clear evidence that the research is well-conducted. The authors have not tentatively used auxiliary verbs such as “may or “might” in their study, thus indicating the research findings are conclusive. This indicates that the analysis is objective and interlinked with current issues instead of being anchored on predictions.
The findings are within the context of previous research about nutrition. The findings are supported by previous studies on a related topic as indicated by intext citations. For instance, the authors acknowledged prior research findings on the role of diet in frailty. The authors’ broad understanding of nutrition facts can be easily detected, as evidenced by practical discussions of nutrition concepts in the article. The fundamental clue on a broad understanding of the nutrition concept is anchored on key research findings and discussions. For example, the authors acknowledged the constraints to old-age nutrition, including malnutrition that affects body composition, alters body functions, and lean body weight loss (Gabrovec et al., 2018, p.5).
Although the authors do not explicitly indicate that the study results are published within nutrition or medical journal, the article is peer-reviewed and published by the European Journal of Internal Medicine. The article’s information is supported by credible research as highlighted in the discussion section, where the concepts associated with nutrition among senior individuals are appropriately delineated. The references ...
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