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Men in Nursing in the Realm of Nursing that Has an Identifiable Past, Is Current, And Will Evolve Into the Future Summary

Essay Instructions:

1. Thorough explanation of the topic (Men in nursing) of choice. (10 points)

2. Detailed historical review of the topic (Men in nursing). (15 points)

3. Evolved, present state of the topic (Men in nursing). (15 points)

4. A look into the future of this nursing element. Use your imagination if need be. (15 points)

5. Use at least 2 references greater than year 2015. (5 points)

6. Your WORD of content must be creative and thorough. (15 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Men in Nursing in the Realm of Nursing that Has an Identifiable Past, Is Current, And Will Evolve Into the Future
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Department, University
Men in nursing
The nursing profession has long been dominated by women, and the emergence of the male nurse or murse has put to focus the men in the profession. For a long time, men were rare in nursing. In the United States, data from the census between 1900 and 1990 revealed that the population of male nurses was a single digit. And men accounted for not more than 6% of the total nursing working force in the whole 20th century in America alone (Sasa, 2019). Notably, studies show that the term male nurse is widely used in the profession. However, no official analysis has emerged to emphasize the meaning of the concept (Sasa, 2019). Likewise, the label of male nurse carries with it stereotypes that sometimes marginalize the few men practicing in the industry. Being perceived as a male in this female-dominated industry is important, without which the term would not exist. Maleness in this aspect is defined along biological lanes, consistent with society's conventional heteronormative standards. For instance, a lesbian nurse would look or conduct herself in a manly way. However, she will not be categorized or perceived as biologically male. Likewise, a male nurse who flamboyantly expresses gay comportment is still called a male nurse as a way of differentiating him from other nurses who are females.
In addition, stereotypes and stigma are sometimes worse in male nursing, given that they form a minority in the workplace. Often, male nurses will encounter stigmatization and personal attacks that are detrimental to their professional work. One common stereotype is that men in the nursing profession are rejects from medical schools or men who are not smart enough to apply for medical school (Sasa, 2019). Others confine male nurses as gay or effeminate because of their career choice. Also, stereotypes believe male nurses are emasculated because they opt for a female-dominated profession, and some believe it is disadvantageous. Several studies have also suggested that men thoroughly deliberate before deciding to commit to a non-traditional career. Male nurses have also been labeled as cautious caregivers, a phrase that was coined to summarize the experience that men go through while tending to their patients. This is to ensure that touch during care is not misinterpreted as inappropriate conduct.
Historical review of male nursing
Historically, men have always cared for the sick and needy. In the 11th century, there existed Knights Hospitalers who started hospitals to care for believers who traveled to the holy land. In the 16th century, St. Camillus de Lellis, a former soldier and reform...
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