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Nursing Writing Assignment: Nutrition / Diet Plan

Essay Instructions:

Produce a comparison of techniques needed across the lifestyle for counseling of various age, gender, cultural and socioeconomic groups.

Choose one of your current patients, use your diet diary patient or a patient from any scenario in the book and do a brief write up using the 5 A's for the discussion board. (I attached an example.) My purpose for this is to have you reflect on your current counseling techniques or begin to have a plan on how to go about counseling various groups in your practice of clinical nutrition. Choose someone who really needed some negotiation about lifestyle changes or someone who is unique in some way to broaden our class discussion. Create your post and reply to at least one other post this week.


5 A's for Bella, 11-Year-Old Female (Diet Diary Client)


Willingness for healthier eating

Atopic triad medical conditions: eczema, food allergies, and exercised induced asthma


Limited physical activity (type, frequency, intensity, and duration)


Explain the importance of eating a diet a high in nutrients, fiber, anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory full of whole foods, most notable vegetables and fruits. At the same time, emphasize that the wrong foods can exasperate her eczema, food allergy symptoms, and asthma. In her case, examples of this include gluten and dairy. Inform her that adequate water intake is crucial to heathy skin and proper elimination. Emphasize that there are ways to make healthy food taste good, and that she can ease into this process by making substitutions. Additionally, let her know that regular, consistent physical activity is important for building strong bones and muscles, as well as to prevent future chronic diseases. Help her to understand that her actions or inactions today, will affect her future tomorrow and down the road.


Gain Bella's buy-in by explaining that she has the capability to make these changes and that healthy food can still be yummy. Incorporating healthy substations for dairy, such as nut milk and alternative options for gluten, such as brown rice, can make the transition simple. Today's market has a plethora of organic whole-food options. Additionally, fruits and vegetables can be added to smoothies and sauces. Suggest that she participate in a school sport or some type of lessons, such as dance, where she can be near friends and peers to make it fun.


Provide Bella with some easy recipes that her and her mother can make together, allowing her to learn some basic food preparation techniques. Have her work with her mother to track her water consumption, ensuring she is drinking enough. Give alterative and substitution ideas for processed foods. Offer a list of community activities that are physical in nature, such as youth sports, various lessons, or activities at a center such as the YMCA.


Set-up weekly follow-up phone calls for the first several weeks with Bella and her mom, then schedule a follow-up appointment to reassess progress.

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Nutrition / Diet Plan
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