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Nursing Role

Essay Instructions:

Information for your Professional Paper
The professional paper is individually assigned. Each student needs to choose one nursing role and write 3 pages about the role.
Suggested roles: advocate, educator, care provider, collaborator, researcher, administrator…ect
The professional paper should include the following:
1. Introduction – clear description of the nursing role being researched
2. Body- provide description of educational requirements and any specialized training associated with this professional nursing role.
3. Review the scope of practice- the focus of this nursing role
4. Publications and organizations – specific journals and professional organizations that a nurse in this role will need to help succeed.
5. Conclusion- Summarization of paper and why interested in this particular nursing role
6. Reference page in correct APA format

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advocate: Nursing Role
Institutional Affiliation
Advocate: Nursing Role
Registered Nurses (RNs) describe the role of nursing advocates as the promotional of the quality and safety of patient care. In executing their roles, nurse advocates protect patients, serve as their voice, provide quality and safe care, and educate patients on their health and wellbeing (Nsiah et al., 2019). With the current increased focus on patient safety, the nursing role of advocacy is critical in promoting safe care in clinical settings. RNs are invaluable in influencing the health of populations as well as individual patient through their four major roles, including professionals, advocates, innovators, and collaborative leaders (Lucatorto et al., 2016). As caregivers, RNs are often involved as advocates voicing the concerns of patients, the families, as well as the communities in which they serve in positively influencing health care systems. According to Abbasinia et al (2019), while this nursing role has gained increased awareness over the past, the concept of patient advocacy remains poorly understood. In expanding awareness about the nursing role as advocates, it is critical to understand the educational requirements, the scope of the practice of advocates, and the publications and professional organizations such as the American Nurses Association and the American Nurses Advocacy Institute that nurse advocates can benefit from to succeed.
Education and Professional Development in Advocacy
Ongoing education and professional training are critical to nurses’ career satisfaction and their capacity to offer quality and safe patient care (Price & Reichert, 2017). While the minimum requirement for nurses seeking positions as advocates is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), there is no particular certification for advocates but is highly recommended for nurses to further their education. Educational and professional development helps nurses to support the nursing profession and improve patient care. Fawaz et al (2018) acknowledge that due to increasing challenges in the 21st century such as increasing cost of care, poor nursing staffing, and the rising numbers of critically ill patients, there is a need for nurse educators to constantly review and assess education curricula, programs, and learning and teaching strategies. Professional organizations such as the American Nursing Association (ANA) have represented nurses in government policy formulation processes and ensured that the voice of patients and nurses are heard. ANA supports nurse advocates to run for elected positions so that they can make a significant impact in their work as patient advocates (Saraf et al., 2016). Besides, American Nurses Advocacy Institute (ANAI) is active in supporting the development of nurses as political leaders both at national, local, and federal government to draft policies that positively impact the health of populations.
Scope of the Practice of Advocates
While the fundamental role of all nurses is to ensure quality and safe care delivery systems, nurses also serve as a patient advocate to help them make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing as well assisting them to navigate through complex medical systems (Alvernia University, 2021). Since nurses directly interact with patients, they are ideally placed to become better advocates with the trust they establish during the interaction. ANA recognizes this role to be critical in nursing pra...
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