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Evidence-Based Practice week 6 DQ 2: Nursing Practitioners

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the question separately. Topic 6 DQ1 and A question for all of you...
Topic 6 DQ 2
What is the difference between statistically significant evidence and clinically significant evidence? How would each of these findings be used to advance an evidenced-based project?
1. Presenters' Corner
Study the "Presenters' Corner" page, located on the Western Institute of Nursing website.
A question for all of you...
There are many misconceptions and controversy that surround Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). I have heard from my staff that some of the EBP is just too standard, it’s robotic and we should not force nurses to work under a guideline but let them practice under their scope and use the knowledge they have from school and experience. When conducting a literature search on this topic, many articles were present and the feelings of my staff were also noted. Lillienfeld stated in his article, “EBP is not a panacea but a needed avenue for medicine” (2014), and I strongly agree with this statement. EBP may not fit in every practice with every group of patients, but it is a needed guideline for today’s nursing and one that should not be ignored. Having said that, my question for all of you is:
What misconceptions and controversies surrounding EBP are you aware of in your respective practice or place of work? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Please support your response with appropriate references.
Lillienfeld, S., Jan 27, 2014. Evidence-Based Practice. The misunderstanding continues. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www(dot)psychologytoday(dot)com/blog/the-skeptical-psychologist/201401/evidence-based-practice-the-misunderstandings-continue.
Example from class mate
Re:Topic 6 DQ 2
Clinically statistical evidence is information that will help to influence clinical practice. Statistically significant evidence is information that shows level of probability, that which did not just happen by chance (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015). Clinical significance has also been defined as the importance placed on information by the researcher. This is information that may affect the outcome of a treatment or intervention. It gives meaning to the information and determines the meaning it could have to a client (Bothe & Richardson, 2011).
Statistically significant measures the confidence in the results of research; that which would be meaningful. Conducting tests and analyzing data can result in statistically significant information; that which is accurate (Bothe & Richardson, 2011). A study without bias, control for confounding variables and good design with sufficient power has the ability to result in statistically significant findings (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015).
These findings are both important to evidence based practice. Determining strength of evidence, or confidence to act is based on statistical significance. Appropriateness to practice and applicability is based on clinical significance. Linking evidence to practice is part of this significance (Jeffs, Beswick, Campbell, Ferris, and Sidani, 2013). If it is relevant to practice, more buy in will occur, but without proper evidence skeptics will resist.
Bothe, A. K., & Richardson, J. D. (2011). Statistical, Practical, Clinical, and Personal Significance: Definitions and Applications in Speech-Language Pathology. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(3), 233-242. doi:10.1044/1058-0360(2011/10-0034)
Jeffs, L., Beswick, S., Lo, J., Campbell, H., Ferris, E., & Sidani, S. (2013). Defining What Evidence is, Linking It to Patient Outcomes, and Making It Relevant to Practice: Insight from Clinical Nurses. Applied Nursing Research, 26(3), 105-109 5p. doi:1016/j.apnr.2013.03.002
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA.: Wolters Kluwer

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Evidence-Based Practice week 6 DQ 2
Evidence-Based Practice week 6 DQ 2
Question #1
Clinical significant evidence is used in measuring how big the variations in treatment outcomes are in clinical practice. Statistical significant evidence on the other hand is used to measure the probability of any perceptible variation in the effect between control groups and treatment are true and not as a result of chance (Leung, 2001). More often than not, results arising from research projects in the medical field employ statistical significant evidence to illustrate the associations or differences among control groups in the variables in question. After the performing the necessary statistical methods, a p-value is often obtained. This value shows the strength of the obtained evidence against an established null hypothesis.
In evidence based research, it is not only vital to evaluate the importance of the variations between the evaluated control groups, but it is also important to determine how meaningful the results are. Statistical significance does fails in providing information about the degree of the effect or the clinical relevance. As a result, researchers in the medical field have a tendency to misinterpret clinical significance and statistical significance. The two, however, can be combined to state a determination of clinical significance by, for example, using absolute risk reduction abbreviated as ARR, numbers needed to treat or relative risk (Leung, 2001). Despite this, there is a drawback for clinical researchers wishing to use this method. Combination of the two only shows the statistical significance in relation to the null hypothesis. On the other hand, given there ca...
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