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Studies on Vaccination Given to Infants Relation to Autism

Essay Instructions:

Choose two research articles published by a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal on a current issue, controversial or otherwise, in health care in America. Suggested topics may include: a study of vaccinations and autism rates; maternal health; fetal health; elder health; disease-based studies, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease; the increasing rates of Cesarean sections in birth rates; and managed health care in America.
Analyze the articles for content, research methods, focus of the study, target audiences and subjects, and their possible impacts on the future of health care delivery.
Create a chart or table for comparing the two articles.
Write an essay of 750-1,000 words in length explaining:
1.What topic you chose and why (This may have personal significance to you or it may be a topic of particular interest that you have seen in the news)
2.The significance of the two studies
3.The sources of funding and monitoring of subjects or content in the studies
4.Your intended method of comparison
5.The impact of the studies on health care delivery. Were the studies intended to change or influence health care delivery? If so, how? If not, what are the implications to health care delivery?
I would like it on Vaccinations and Autism please :)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparison of Research Articles
Institution of Affiliation
Comparison of Research Articles
Children vaccination remains to be a priority all over the world. Children are prone to many diseases which need to be controlled through vaccination. Due to this medication, many of the parents have translated that vaccination has a connection to the increased cases of autism in the children. Many of the society members have ended up believing that the increased levels of autism are associated with the vaccination of the infants. Moreover, there has been a contrast between the different types of studies which have been done on vaccination and autism. Some of the researchers are positive while others are negative, this leaves the society in a dilemma on the identification of the correct idea and what to believe. This controversy requires clarity for the society to understand the correct side of the argument. Through the analysis of these two articles that is; "Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses" by Gerber and Offit and the article, "22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism" by Arjun Walia we can get a clear picture of whether autism is related to the vaccination given to the infants.
Gerber and Offit disapprove three hypothesis which are largely believed within the society. They are; the combination of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is likely to cause autism as it damages the intestinal lining allowing the entrance of the encephalopathy proteins responsible for the cause of autism; thimerosal and ethylmercury present in some of the vaccines is toxic to the central nervous system; and the simultaneous administration of the vaccines weakens the immune system or overwhelms the infants. The irony of the vaccination is observed instead of the vaccination healing it is considered to be negatively associated with the health of the infants. As per Walia, he argues that there are 22 pieces of evidence which clearly outlines that vaccines given to the infants are linked to the autism (Gerber & Offit, 2009). As Gerber and Offit try to defend that autism is not caused by vaccination Walia give his approach against them and proves the hypotheses being disapproved by Gerber and Offit. These two studies are very essential to the society as they help clear the idea within the society, and also it helps identify why the society believe that autism is linked to the infant vaccinations (Walia, 2013).
Different researchers have done studies on the causes of autism to the infants. Even though as the studies show there is an identified link, the society needs to understand that the vaccines are majorly aimed at controlling the outbreaks of diseases but not cause other diseases. In the case of England, as stipulated by Gerber and Offit, it is not justifiable that the MMR vaccine causes autism as in over 2000 children in a year ...
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