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566-W8-A Nursing Paper, Barriers To Preventive Services

Essay Instructions:

566-w8-aHealth Maintenance and Screening PlansClinical preventive services, such as routine disease screening and scheduled immunizations, are key to reducing death and disability and improving the Nation’s health. Yet, despite the fact that these services are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act, millions of children, adolescents, and adults go without clinical preventive services that could protect them from developing a number of serious diseases or help them treat certain health conditions before they worsen.Discuss preventative services and ways to promote and overcome the barriers in your clinical practice to deliver holistic care including the recommended services for all patients across a lifespan. Please include examples, evidence-based information and references to support your work.
Paper Requirements!!! See Table requirement detail include the papers.Your writing should: have 2 Pages included introduction, body and conclusion. MUST have 3 references within 3 years and in US only
Before finalizing your work, you should:• be sure to read the description carefully (as displayed above);• Utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.• follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);• be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;• display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and• use APA 6th Edition format.

Table requirement detail include the papersBenefits of Evidence Base Practice

Included a comprehensive overview of preventative services and ways to promote and overcome the barriers in your clinical practice to deliver holistic care including the recommended services for all patients across a life span.Example of Evidence base Practice Included a comprehensive discussion of an evidence-based practices with examples and 3 references to support.Format/Style
Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines.  No grammar, word usage or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work.

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Nursing Paper
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Preventive services include a number of proactive measures that help patients stay healthy and productive for a longer period of their age. Based on the locality or medical surgery, these have been known with different names such as preventive health, preventive care, and prophylaxis. The idea is to provide preventive services at an early stage of treatment, probably as part of the diagnosis, as they help reduce the risks of death. The numbers of ways to diagnose diseases are regular doctor visits, immunization, and screenings.
These measures help diagnose diseases like cancer, diabetes, and high cholesterol. They also serve a cause to save the futuristic cost linked with a full medical condition. Many studies across the health industry show the cost of treating people with emergencies and fully developed health conditions is exceptionally high (Grin & Kasatkin, 2017). Though health insurance companies cover such costs, more and more people want to avoid such scenarios.
Barriers to preventive services
Preventive services have a broad array of barriers, ranging from taxation policies, financial cuts to social and personal barriers. It is often read, observed and reported that high taxation policies on Medicare contribute to the high cost of preventive health care (Patil, 2016). This makes it very difficult for general health service providers to offer preventive care to all and sundry on the same level. It has also been seen in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States where huge financial cuts were imposed on the National Health Service (NHS) that led to long waiting times at surgeries and poor level of one-to-one service. Also, in Canada, it is found to be difficult to carry out all the examination for a given patient due to the insufficiency of available funds, and the available preventive care to the patient...
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