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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Making choices in health. Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. If you were caring for a child who could be cured if given blood transfusions, but whose parents refused permission to give the transfusions due to religious beliefs, what would you do?

2. Some parents are refraining from giving certain immunizations to their children. How will this affect diseases in the United States in the future? How as medical professionals can we embrace these nontraditional practices?

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Making Choices in Health
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Part 1
A group of people belonging to a specific religion known as Jehovah's Witness thinks that blood transfusion is a big sin (2015). Their belief is an obstacle for proper treatment and poses ethical, medical and legal challenges for attending a healthcare expert. If I have to give the blood transfusion to a child whose parents do not allow the blood transfusion due to religious beliefs, I will take them into confidence that ethical or religious values should be ignored for some time as it is a matter of their child’s life. I have found that because of the rapid growth of membership in this group across the globe, physicians are unable to provide treatment efficiently. The problem can be solved only if measures are taken individually. I may have to make the child’s parents understand that prohaemostatic agents will be used to reduce the loss of blood.
Part 2
Parents are responsible for the health and wellbeing of their child...
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