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Nursing and Community-Focused Risk Management Plan Analysis

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a health care risk management program.

Conduct research on approaches to risk management processes, policies, and concerns in your current or anticipated professional arena to find an example of a risk management plan. Look for a plan with sufficient content to be able to complete this assignment successfully. In a 800-1,250 word paper, provide an analysis of the risk management plan that includes the following:

Summary of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community‐focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Describe the health care organization to which the plan applies and the role risk management plays in that setting.

Description of the standard administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization's risk management program compared to the administrative steps and processes you identify in your selected example plan. (Note: For standard risk management policies and procedures, look up the MIPPA-approved accrediting body that regulates the risk management standards in your chosen health care sector, and consider federal, state, and local statutes as well.)

Analysis of the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care in your area of concentration and an evaluation of the roles each one plays in the risk management oversight process.

Evaluation of your selected risk management plan's compliance with the standards of its corresponding MIPPA-approved accrediting body relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety.

Proposed recommendations or changes you would implement in your risk management program example to enhance, improve, or secure the aforementioned compliance standards.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer‐reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Community-Focused Risk Management Plan Analysis
The focus of health care is to provide medical services and care to individuals who are part of society. In line with this, it is important to promote safety and eliminate or reduce the risk factors that may harm patients, employees, and the environment (Hopkin, 2018). This goal is supported by having an applicable and fit risk management plan in the health care organization. In this paper, the Yakima Health District Risk Management Plan will be discussed to aid in the analysis of considerations such as the different processes, issues, and policies involved in creating a community-focused risk management plan.
Yakima Health District Risk Management Plan
The Yakima Health District Risk Management Plan provides a detailed risk management process for the whole organization. The plan also includes the various stakeholders that are involved in the daily operations of the community. It aims to promote patient safety through a thorough analysis of current risk factors that impact the patients, employees, and the organization. This also enables the identification of the community needs and whether these are sustainable. The risk management plan includes various programs that elaborate plans regarding prioritizing the protection of patients, families, health care employees, guests, and other people who are part of the community from the possible dangers present in a given time. The implemented programs are carefully assessed by the board of directors and assigned employees to ensure the effectiveness and depth of information that each program's efforts have. The majority of issues and risks identified are related to infection control and disease prevention (Amiri et al., 2020). The Yakima Health District Risk Management Plan secures the numerous stakeholders involved while also efficiently protecting other aspects of the organization, such as its public image and influence, resources, and monetary investments.
Yakima county is considered a rural location, and this also presents issues concerning health care, such as safety, quality, and accessibility. If not addressed and prevented effectively, these risk factors and issues will leave the people in the community vulnerable to various dangers in the health care scenario. This Yakima Health District Risk Management Plan is a good example of a community-focused approach because it presents various risks present in many rural places but is not given enough attention and planning. A rural environment is also susceptible to infectious disease, may it be viral or in some other forms or modes of transmission, and the health care system is heavily tested during the presence of threats. Still, a good risk management plan will prevent people's continuous exposure to the dangers of the disease. The plan includes a holistic view of the possible risks, addressing acce...
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