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Discussion: Pharmacogenetics

Essay Instructions:

In your initial post, respond to the following scenario (Hint: use the pharmgkb website to guide your responses):

Before initiating abacavir, an anti-retroviral, for a newly diagnosed HIV positive patient the nurse practitioner orders HLA-B*5701 allele genetic testing. The test confirms that the patient carries the HLA-B*5701 allele.

Describe what these results mean.

Should the nurse practitioner prescribe abacavir in this case? If not, state why.

A patient is prescribed antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel) following an acute myocardial infarction (MI). Six months later, the patient suffers another acute MI. The patient has been adherent to therapy and the nurse practitioner suspects that clopidrogel may have been ineffective. How might genetic testing have been beneficial in this case?

Identify 2 limitations of pharmacogenomics testing. Explain.

Identify 2 ethical concerns of using pharmacogenomics testing. Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The treatment of HIV has been evolving over the years and there has been a tremendous effort to ensure that patients do not suffer throughout the process. The study of HIV has largely taken two angles, the search for the best drug and methods to reduce the virus load in patients and the search for drugs that reduce the type and number of reactions among patients. Strides have been made in both efforts although there are biological and ethical concerns in the endeavor. As more drugs that reduce the virus load in patients are unveiled, questions are being asked on how the patients can be protected from adverse allergic reactions and some of the parameters include the type of reaction, the healing time, and the number of reactions a patient can have after one medication. Some medicines are mandatory in the reduction of the viral load and sometimes the patients are forced to ingest anti-allergens after they consume the medication. They help reduce the adverse reactions while the main medication attack HIV.
Genetic testing in antiplatelet therapy (clopidogrel)
CYP2C19 isozyme genetic variations are partly responsible for clopidogrel impaired conversion to its active metabolite. Genetic testing helps in the identification of the CYP2C19 isozyme and prevents an array of atherothrombotic diseases that may lead to the patient’s death. An impaired clopidogrel efficacy due to the existence of CYP2C19 isozyme increases the risk of adverse cardiovascular attacks and genetic testing helps in its identification thus preserving the patient’s life.
Describe what these results mean
HLA-B*5701 allele is a determinant gene on whether there will be an allergic reaction to patients that consume abacavir. Abacavir is a medication that helps reduce the viral load among HIV victims. In the study of the medication, it was discovered that some patients had adverse allergic reactions to it and there had to be a way to determine who would exhibit allergic reactions and who ...
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