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Nurs 6541 Assignment Paper: Practicum Journal Entry

Essay Instructions:

nurs 6541

Assignment: Practicum – Journal Entry, week 6

Reflect on a patient who presented with an eye, ear, nose, or throat disorder during your Practicum experience. Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family. Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

My choice of topic (pharyngitis)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
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Preceptor’s Name:
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Practicum: Week 1 Journal Entry
Pharyngitis is considered as an inflammatory ailment of the pharynx, known as the back of the throat, and referred to many as a sore throat. Many patients within my practicum setting diagnosed with this ailment complained of scratchiness in their throats, an aspect that made the swallowing of food, liquids, or saliva an uphill task. According to my findings, pharyngitis-induced sore throats remained one of the most prevalent reasons why patients within my practicum are setting conducted doctor visits (Coomer, 2014). Additionally, it is evident that most of the patients were diagnosed with this ailment during the colder months of the year. Given this, the first encounter with patients suffering from this illness necessitates the need to identify the cause of this disease, an aspect that results from viral and bacterial infections. Most of the patients with this ailment presented different symptoms that include headaches, fever, skin rashes, joint and muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.
The initiation of an evidence-based clinical guideline into practice remained of importance in making decisions on the inclusion of diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic measures based on the presented evidence on the efficiency and safety of patients suffering from this illness. In achieving these evidence, the need to incorporate searches, comparisons and compilations of information that plays a significant role in discovering and disseminating the essential aspects required in the management of this ailment that are in consistence with the interest of the patient remained of the essence (Coomer, 2014). Through the inclusion of evidence-based approaches, I, as a practitioner, am in a position to make decisions in a reasonable manner that involves other expertise within my practicum setting and systematic research in the management of this ailment.
Practicum: Week 2 Journal Entry
Through an evaluation that I was in a position to conduct within my practicum setting, it was evident that the primary health determinants of Pharyngitis included the difficulties encountered by patients in swallowing, fevers, and the swelling of the lymph nodes. Given this, it is important to establish that these health determinants are modifiable since effective treatment methods can be incorporated in controlling and managing the condition, an aspect that would influence the clinical outcomes of the patient’s population. This, therefore, requires the inclusion of appropriate physical exams, rapid tests on the throat culture aimed at testing for strep throat to establish the cause of the ailment (Green, 2015). On the other hand, the need to develop programs driven towards educating the population on the need to control their health through the acquisition of the right information that impacts the management of this ailment remains relevant. The patients will be educated on the need to drink warm liquids such as tea with lemon or honey. On the other hand, the essence of gaggling salty water daily in managing the disease or taking cold liquids would be recommended for patients suffering from this ailment.
Practicum: Week 3 Journal Entry
It is essential to point out that within my practicum setting; some significant and teachable moments impacted my experience and knowledge. This included the application of evidence-based approaches in the management of Pharyngitis among the patient population. I was in a position to discover the need...
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