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Newville Clinic Presentation

Essay Instructions:
Over the past few weeks, you have prepared different components of an EHR selection and implementation plan. It is now time for you, the healthcare administrator of Newville Clinic, to make a formal presentation to the CEO and board of directors with your findings and persuade the board of directors to move forward with your work. Your presentation should include: Background of Newville Clinic and why it needs an EHR How you conducted a needs assessment (the process you undertook) and what needs were revealed What EHR vendor and product you are recommending for implementation at Newville Clinic and why What specific needs does this vendor meet? How will your decision help to ensure HIPAA, compliance, and data security? At a minimum, address the following: Alleviating patient fears of electronic data Patient interaction with electronic data Patient portal What do you propose for data storage and management? Uses for the data (research, education, trends, etc.) A complete, detailed implementation plan Who is on the implementation team? What is the scope of the implementation? What is your timeframe? What is your implementation approach? Rollout strategies Infrastructure What change management approach will you use? Describe the configuration plan. What is your training plan? How do you plan to get staff on board and using the new EHR? What supports will your staff need? Ensure that your training plan is inclusive. Plan for testing Adoption How to prepare for the Go-Live date Types of Documentation Ongoing Maintenance plan References Submit the transcript for your Newville Clinic Presentation. As leaders in healthcare or public health, you will need an in-depth familiarity with many areas of an organization. You will drive important decisions regarding organizational change and growth. This term-length project will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a situation around selecting new information technologies. For the purposes of this course, we will focus on an EHR. It is often assumed that all healthcare organizations have EHR's, but this is not the case. Even those who have EHR's may change technologies to meet emerging needs or leverage new opportunities. We will walk you through a systematic process of researching, selecting, and then proposing a plan for adopting an EHR for a community clinic that serves one or more underserved populations. PROJECT INTRODUCTION Please read this overview carefully so that you can plan out your work for this term. Reach out to your instructor as needed for guidance. By the end of this term, you will develop valuable professional skills in needs assessment, evidence-based decision-making, and project planning. Background Information Newville Clinic is a community health clinic organization located in your state that serves about 15,000 patients per year. It is a group practice of 10 physicians, 4 physician assistants, 4 nurse practitioners, 2 department managers, 2 part-time laboratory technicians, a phlebotomist, and several other ancillary team members. Due to the good that Newville Clinic offers to the community and its patients, it is growing in size. The clinic currently does not use an electronic health record (EHR). They strictly use paper but know that they need to implement an EHR to meet regulatory and compliance requirements. Using paper for so many years has left Newville behind in its technology environment. This has been particularly problematic given the pandemic and severe weather-related events that have occurred in recent years. The CEO of Newville Clinic, Dr. Lalanda Tooney, has received several complaints from staff about workflow issues and not using an EHR. There have been concerns about the efficiency, responsiveness, and accuracy of data. Newville’s strategic plan is a goal to evaluate, select, and implement an EHR to improve safety and quality and alleviate future issues. She also hopes that this implementation will open the door for future innovations. Although the implementation of an EHR means many changes for the clinic (workflow, cost, technology environment, organization-wide training, electronic data storage, interoperability, etc.), the entire staff supports the endeavor and is involved in the process as much as their busy practice schedule allows. A steering committee has been convened and has begun conducting interviews, surveys, and several full-team meetings with the clinical care team (end-users) to discuss their needs. Patient needs and satisfaction, as well as optimal workflow, are the major driving forces for this project. Newville Clinic would also like to expand to include a community health research department and use their patient data for clinical and population health research. Training and vendor support are important items for success. Therefore, this is a large ticket item and is being planned into the schedule and budget. Your Charge Imagine that you are a healthcare administrator at Newville Clinic. Newville has several clinics that serve different populations. For this project, your senior leadership team has asked you to lead an electronic health record implementation project. You get to choose the type of clinic that you will focus on. This allows you to tailor your project to a type of organization or population with which you are either currently working or hope to work. This will also give you an immersive experience into one of the major roles of a healthcare leader. Depending on the chosen population type, your EHR needs will be different. Read both before you begin your work each week. Click to view simple text for HSC525 Project Overview Part 1.png Part 1 – M2: Needs Assessment Imagine that you are the healthcare administrator at the Newville Clinic within your residing state. Your state has several clinics that serve different populations. First, choose a service population type of interest to you: Underserved and low-income (access issues) First, you will need to conduct a needs assessment of what the organization is asking for. The functional needs assessment process begins with recognizing the internal and external information needs as they relate to primary and secondary uses of the electronic health record. Second, you will research vendors to determine which vendor and system best meet your organization’s needs. Third, you will create an implementation plan. Finally, you will give a presentation for the CEO and clinic advisory board of the clinic discussing your findings and making an overall recommendation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Newville Clinic Presentation Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Newville Clinic Presentation Clinic Background and Need for EHR Newville Clinic is a growing community health organization in Blessed Estate that serves 15,000 patients annually. Despite providing excellent services and growing in size, records are still retained on paper rather than electronic systems. Staff have expressed concerns regarding responsiveness, efficiency, and accuracy of data. The clinic recognises the need for Electronic Health Records (EHR) to improve quality and safety and alleviate future issues. It is also necessary to ensure they meet regulatory and compliance requirements. Needs Assessment Process and the Needs Revealed Newville Clinics needs assessment involved evaluating existing records and data, selecting suitable migration tools, and planning for encryption and security measures. The process revealed a primary need for electronic record keeping to address workflow challenges and improve patient data accuracy. Other needs that the process revealed included staff training, data analysis capabilities, and flexibility for future changes. The importance of upgrading workstation environments to support the new electronic system was also a highlight of the assessment. Recommendations for EHR Vendor and Product. The EHR vendor recommendation is Epic Systems. The reason is because the vendor provides three crucial modules for enhancing patient care and streamlining workflows: patient engagement, revenue cycle, and clinical (Vakser, 2023). Specific Needs Does That the Vendor Meets Epic Systems meets several specific needs through its modules. The clinical module ensures patient information is stored and managed efficiently, including treatment plans, medications, diagnoses, and lab results. Its revenue cycle module aids the clinic to streamline its daily financial activities. The patient engagement module increases engagement between healthcare providers and patients, helping the clinic offer client-centered and evidence-based services (Melnick et al., 2021). Decision and HIPAA, Compliance, and Data Security Alleviating Patient Fears of Electronic Data Epic Systems prioritizes data security through encryption, access controls, and audit trails which will reassure patients that their electronic data is protected against unauthorized access or breaches. Additionally, Epic's reputation as a leading EHR vendor with a significant market share demonstrates its commitment to data protection which will further instill confidence in patients concerning the safety of their information. Patient Interaction with Electronic Data Epic Systems provides user-friendly interfaces and clear communication about data usage and access. Patients will be able to interact with their electronic data through secure portals, enabling them to review, update, and communicate with healthcare providers about their health records and appointments. Patient Portal The patient portal within Epic Systems allows secure access to health records, communication with healthcare providers, and appointment scheduling. Patients will have control over their data through consent mechanisms which will empower them to active...
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