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New graduate nursing: resources and support

Essay Instructions:
Hi There Outline Introduction (100 words): (3rd person) - Sets the context for the essay. - Introduces the themes/issues (start with issue and narrow it). - Relates to the author's experience/ future practice. - Includes a THESIS STATEMENT with an ARGUMENT. ISSUES/AREAS: 1- Teamwork (leadership) for issues one. (600 words) 2- Building a therapeutic relationship for issue two. (600 words) 3- Collaboration for issues three. (600 words) ISSUE 1 Teamwork (leadership) TASK 1: ANALYSIS and KNOWLEDGE (criteria sheet: 20%) (175 -200 words) Identify & describe the issues/areas of professional nursing practice that you think have an influence in the transition to the practice as a graduate registered nurse and to the future nursing practice. (a) Identify the issue: State what is it and how you come to choose this concept? You can write in 1st or 3rd person. (Book resources can be use here as references) Here are a couple of examples for you. 1st person = “From my critical reflections, I have chosen Teamwork (leadership) as one of the professional practice concepts as influencing my transition to practice because …………”. 3rd person = “Teamwork (leadership) in nursing is an important professional practice concept that will be addressed in this essay. It is important in a GRN's transition to practice because …………” (b) Describe the issue from the literature (use relevant academic sources): What is it, where do you see it and how is it important to the GRN? You must incorporate your source of information here with index referencing. Here is an example. “Teamwork (leadership) in nursing is described as ………………………………………… (……………..). It can be seen in many areas of nursing practice such as ……………………………………. (…………..), And is valuable for the graduate registered nurse as a ……………………………... (…………..).” (c) Justify your selections with reference to critical review in Appendix TASK 2: COMPREHENSION and SYNTHESIS (criteria sheet: 20%) (250-300 words) Critically discuss the impact of these issues/areas of nursing practice on the transitioning graduate registered nurse. (3rd person writing here) - Links the issue to GRNs. - Links the issue to transitioning to practice. - Wide range of sources (synthesized) to show the importance and links. At least 5-6 journal articles for Task 2 in every issue. For example: Critically discuss different aspects of teamwork for the graduate registered nurse. Remember the 6 hats of critical thinking. Show you have a wide understanding and that your decisions are based on knowledge not personal opinion. (Use the literature widely here. You need a variety of literary sources for each professional practice aspect to show critical reasoning.) TASK 3: EVALUATION and APPLICATION. (Criteria sheet: 10%) (100-150 words) - Links research on issue/Toolkit strategies to author's experiences. - Links to author's future practice. - Argues for the importance/relevance/ influence of issues on own transition. - Refer to materials in appendix. Argue how and why the discussions about these key issues/areas have influenced your transition to practice as a GRN and to your future nursing practice. (3rd and 1st person here) As well as literary support, to give your argument more weight, you may also attach an appendix, which contains artifacts eg. Personal reflections, readings, aspects of the GRN toolkit, brochures, tutor, peer and self-feedback tools etc. to support your argument further. ISSUE 2 Building a therapeutic relationship (600words) Same structure and words count as issue 1 ISSUE 3 Collaboration (600words) Repeat/ same structure and words count as issue 1 Conclusion: (100 words) The conclusion needs to show your 3 issues, a general comment about what you have learnt about each one of them and their impact on being a GRN and how they will influence your transition to practice and future nursing practice. (1st person) - Repeats the themes/issues - Pulls the argument together for the 3 issues for transitioning nurses - Repeat the argument for importance - Repeat the argument for highlighting the importance to author's future practice. Appendices in Reports in APA Style - An Appendix is appropriate for materials that are relatively brief such as tables or graphs and allows you to include detailed information in your paper that would be distracting in the main body of the paper. - If your report only has one Appendix, label it Appendix; if you are going to include more than one, then they become Appendix A, Appendix B and so on - labeled in the order that you mention them in your report. - Example of referring to an Appendices in-text: …produced the same results for both studies (see Appendices A and B for complete results). - Begin each Appendix on a separate page. Centre the Word Appendix and it's identifying letter at the top of the page. - Each Appendix should also have a title: For example, 2010 Student Survey Results. This is at the top of the page, centered, underneath the Appendix label. - The Appendix comes after your Reference list at the end of your report. References About 30 resources APA style Resources must be current last 5 years. Mostly scholarly Journal article (academic literature journal article)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
NEW GRADUATE NURSING Name of the Student: Course name and number: Name of the Institution: Instructors name: Date: Introduction (100 words) New graduate nurses need ample resources and support so that they can thrive in the nursing work force and be retained as professionals (Orsini, 2005 & Mills & Mullins, 2008). Research has demonstrated the transition process as an interlude where the new graduate undergoes stress and also learns (Duchscher, 2008).This essay will discuss teamwork (leadership), therapeutic relationships, and collaboration as issues encountered by graduate nurses during the transition process. Each issue will be defined, described and a justification for its selection will be given. A critical discussion of each issue will follow and, evaluation and application of each issue outlined. Body Issue 1: Teamwork (Leadership) (635 words) Task 1: Analysis and knowledge (188 words) I have selected teamwork (leadership) as a commencement of the issues encountered by new graduate nurses in transition, since teamwork has been reported as a source of support to the raw nurses, like the new graduate nurses in transition (Baker et al., 2005). Teamwork is defined as a dynamic process involving two or more healthcare professionals who have similar skills and background, share common health goals, and put into effect their mental and physical effort, in the assessment, planning and evaluation of patient care. This is capable via open communication, independent collaboration, and sharing decision making to achieve significant effect (Xyrinchis & Ream, 2008). I justify the selection of teamwork (leadership) as an issue encountered by graduate nurses in transition since playing this role can be negatively influenced by a large team size, regular changing of nurses in the team, lack of familiarity with the team, and the work environment (Kalisch & Begeny, 2005). This necessitates the need for me as a graduate nurse in transition to seek support from my colleagues, promote collegiality, and improve our mutually beneficial relationship, so as to overcome the challenges (Harder, 2006). Task 2: Comprehension and synthesis (300 words) 8 journals used Research has shown teamwork as one of the most important facilitators in achieving cost-effective and positive outcomes in diverse organizational settings (Procter & Currie 2004). It has been argued that it offers greater creativity, productivity and adaptability than an individual can offer on his own (Salas et al., 2004) while promoting job satisfaction and staff retention (Heywood & Jirjahn 2004). Teamwork has been reported to translate to job satisfaction among the nurses coupled with reduced stress levels. This is since when as issue is approached at by a team of nurses, it becomes easy to break it into small easily manageable parts. When nurses work together in attending to critical patients, heavy loads or admission of patients, it reduces the amount and the magnitude of stress that these events can cause. Teamwork reduces this stress hence there is more job satisfaction (Baker et al., 2005). Teamwork translates to a higher quality of care and increased patient safety. This is since the nurses are aware that the patients do not belong to one individual nurse, but they combine their efforts to help meet the needs of the patient. This translates to improved patient care (Grumbach & Bodenheimer, 2004).A review of studies has evidenced that teamwork, communication and leadership are critical elements to a safe environment, and also to improve team members morale and well being (Bower et al., 2003). Leadership plays a significant role in teamwork since the leaders of these teams need to concentrate on both the social needs of its members and on the task being pursued by the team players (Landy & Conte, 2008). Team leaders need to define the goals and expectations of each team player, provide guidance and feedback on their performance and consequently adjust their role to match the teams progress (Salas et al., 2004). Task 3: Evaluation and application (148 words) It has come to my knowledge, that for me to make it successfully during my graduate transition and consequently into the profession, I have to be a team player. This is since nursing needs to be talked about, shared and delegated, and this can only be achieved through teamwork. Consequently, it is important for me as graduate nurse in transition to understand the issue of team work since teamwork will assist me achieve personal objectives and will also aid positive organizational outcomes (Grindel, 2006). Understanding the concept of teamwork (leadership) is beneficial to me as a graduate nurse in transition and later in my professional career since as a leader, I will need to effectively meet the needs of my team players, treat them with respect, and also exercise my power as a leader democratically to enhance the success of the team, enhancing patient care (Lavoie- Tremblay, 2008). Issue 2: Therapeutic relationships Task 1: Analysis and knowledge (200 words) I have chosen therapeutic relationships since; it focuses on a partnership between the patient and the nurse based on mutual trust and respect, and enhances the patients` ability to cope with his adversaries (Day & Levett- Jones, 2008). It is defined as a relationship that is aimed at providing services that improve the health and well being of the client and is established and maintained by the patient and the nurse, by the use of caring attitude, behavior and nursing knowledge and skills. It is described as a four phase step commencing with the pre-interaction, then the introduction followed by the working phase, and finally the termination phase. The latter is the most important and determines the effectiveness of the therapeutic relationship. For it to be effective, the nurse accepts it, the patient accepts it without feelings of anxiety or dependence, and the duty of care is handed over to the patient (Day & Levett- Jones, 2008). It entails: giving gifts to and receive gifts from the patients; appropriate boundaries for the nurse client relationship; and exerting professional judgment when establishing, maintaining, and terminating a therapeutic relationship. This justifies the selection of therapeutic relationships as the second issue of discussion. Task 2: Comprehension and synthesis (283 words) 4 journals used Therapeutic relationships between the nurse and the client are built where empathy exists. Empathy entails listening, observing, understanding and consequently attending to the patients needs, the graduate nurse is with the patient emotionally, cognitively, and physically, unlike sympathy which entails pity, compassion, and involves an emotional environment (Usher, 2005; Luck & Foster, 2005). Empathy enables the graduate nurse to objectively understand the patients` situation. As respect is a basic need for every human being, therapeutic nurse- client relationships entails the nurse responding to the patients respectfully so as to show positive regard. This in turn raises the self esteem of the patients because they feel respected. This enables the patients to work more in improving their current state by openly communicating with the nurses hence improving their care even more enhancing the achievement of the patients` and the nurses` goals (Rana & Upton, 2009). New graduate nurses need to know that this relationship develops when they come together in a moment that translates to harmony and healing for the patient. Effective verbal and non- verbal communication is an important part for this relationship to survive, and should also involve the provision of care in a way that the client feels as an equal contributor in achieving his wellness. Some basic aspects in a therapeutic relationship in nursing practice entail: introducing yourself to the patient and using her name while addressing him; providing privacy as you provide care to the patient; actively listening to the patient; maintaining eye contact, and maintaining professional boundaries. This therapeutic relationship will help the client achieve harmony in mind, body and spirit and hence recovery in his health will lead to a professional win-win for both parties (Watson, 2005). Task 3: Evaluation and application (139 words) It is important for me as a graduate nurse to differentiate the therapeutic relationship from a social relationship or friendship, since in a therapeutic relationship, the needs of the client always comes first. I should know that being a nurse gives me a privileged position because of the trust that the patient puts in me, and also because of the power imbalance. It is important for me to understand that I should not abuse this trust by using ...
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